Searching for Housing

Looking for off-campus housing can be a fun, yet challenging experience, especially if you have never lived on your own. But with our assistance, hopefully it will be more of a fun and exciting experience.

Where to Start

There are over 24 commercial properties that surround the Homewood Campus and a host of residential properties. They all offer something different and have their own feel and personality so it is important for you to figure out what your needs and wants are first, such as price, location, lease terms, and amenities. It is helpful to create an ordered list starting with your “must haves” to “this would be nice.” Once you have your list together you can start weeding through your options.

Explore the Neighborhood

Off-Campus commerical property mapView a PDF Document: map of the Homewood area to locate university buildings, commercial properties and local retailers surrounding campus.

Things to Consider

Budget. Be sure to include anyone who is assisting with your finances, whether that is your parent and/or potential roommates. Everyone involved should be on the same page.

Financial Aid. Many students wonder how financial aid is affected when they move off-campus. Aid is typically based on tuition, books, personal expenses estimate, and an estimate of 9 months of housing. These calculations and estimates are developed through the Financial Aid office. Please view this PDF Document: Financial Aid & Off-Campus Housing FAQ brochure for more information. It is highly recommended that students and families speak to a representative from the Financial Aid office to get specific regarding their account.

Roommates. Do you want a roommate(s)? If so what are their short-term/long-term plans? Do their housing wants, needs, priorities match yours? Determining who your roommate is going to be is just as important as where you are going to live. This person(s) should be someone you can trust, who is responsible, and someone you get along with. When you enter into a lease with a roommate, you and that person both are committing to live together for the duration of the lease. There are no room-switches in off-campus housing!

Academic plans. Are you thinking about studying abroad? Graduating early? Determine how these changes may affect what kind of lease you need or want. Most leases are 12-months long and can start at various points during the summer based on when the apartment becomes available. Be mindful of your summer and/or post graduation plans and how it will effect your financial responsibility for your lease. Once signed, your lease becomes a bound contract that will likely have consequences should you opt to terminate. If you are not planning to stay in the area during the summer or post graduation, talk to the property manager about what options they have. This could include subletting, transferring a lease, or opting for a short-term lease.


Most commercial properties have leasing offices on-site that are open during regular business hours and in some cases have Saturday hours. While appointments are not necessary, it is always good to call ahead to confirm someone is able to meet with you and give you a tour. There is no cost associated with this, however they may ask for you to complete a visitor form.

Before you and/or your roommate visit, you should create a list of questions/criteria that will help you determine if this property is a good fit for you.

Comparing Properties

Click the charts below to compare pricing, distance, utilities, and amenities of the commercial properties surrounding the Homewood campus.

Comparison chart of north properties and their amenities near Homewood campus.

Homewood Properties Comparison Chart (North)

Comparison chart of south properties and their amenities near Homewood campus.

Homewood Properties Comparison Chart (South)