First-Year Mentors
What is a First-Year Mentor?
First-Year Mentors, better known as FYMs, are a critical component of the First-Year Experience at Hopkins. FYMs provide peer-to-peer support during NSO and the Fall semester to ensure the successful transition of all new students into the Homewood community. FYMs are responsible for orienting and mentoring a group of approximately 16 new students. FYMs are trained to provide guidance and support on a range of topics including but not limited to: academic support, campus resources, health and well-being, and student clubs/organizations. Our FYMs are selected through a comprehensive process and reflect the diverse range of experiences of our students on campus. They are willing and ready to answer any questions you may have about coming onto campus for the first time!
What does it take to be an FYM?
If you are interested in learning more about the FYM position, please find the job descriptions below:
- Word Document: FYM Job Description (2025) – For new candidates (rising sophomores, juniors and seniors)
- Word Document: Transfer FYM Job Description (2025) – For new transfer student candidates (transfer juniors and seniors)
- Word Document: Lead FYM Job Description (2025-2026)– For current FYMs
- PDF Document: Returning FYM Job Description (2025)– For current FYMs
2025 FYM Application Cycle Opening Soon!
Applications for the 2025 recruitment cycle will open on February 16 for Returners and February 23 for New Candidates!
Visit SMILE to complete the initial application, followed by visitng Hopkins Groups to complete the secondary application.
March 2 – Deadline for Returner Applications
March 9 – Deadline for New Applicants
Both the initial application and secondary application must be submitted in order to be fully considered for the FYM role.