Senior Parent and Family Challenge

Johns Hopkins Parent and Family Programs and Giving invites you to honor your graduating senior with a gift to The Hopkins Family Fund. The Senior Parent and Family Challenge is an annual JHU tradition for families to recognize their Blue Jay or another individual who impacted their student’s undergraduate experience (such as a professor, staff member, or peer). The honorees will receive acknowledgment cards recognizing your special tributes.
Gifts, of any size, to the Senior Parent and Family Challenge support The Hopkins Family Fund programs and initiatives which directly fuel extracurricular experiences across Homewood, strengthen learning opportunities, support longstanding campus traditions including Lighting of the Quads and Senior week, as well as providing access and opportunity to social and leadership experiences for all undergraduate students.
We hope you will join the challenge and make your gift to honor those who have made a significant impact on your Blue Jay! Gifts must be received by April 1, 2024.
Join the Senior Parent and Family Challenge
For more information, please contact [email protected].