Move-In 2025 Tentative Details
Select the date below that corresponds to your student’s assigned Move-In date. Students may only move in on their assigned day without exceptions.
All details below are subject to change.
Sunday, August 17
Who is included | First-Year & Transfer students, who were not assigned an earlier Move-In date |
Date | Sunday, August 17, 2025 |
Time | 8am-5pm Students will select an appointment time on the housing portal. Appointment selection will begin in August. |
Parking | Free in the South Garage. |
Key Pick Up | Mason Hall |
Rideshare | Please use this address for the GPS 3101 Wyman Park Dr. and be dropped in front of Mason Hall. Once you have your key, a Blue Jay Shuttle will drive you and your belongings to your residence hall. |
Unload Belongings | Once you have your key and JCard, drive to your residence hall to unload. Maps are available at key pick up. Staff will be on hand to assist moving your belongings. Once your car is unloaded, please move it to a parking space. Both San Martin and South garages are available for free parking all day. |
Family Engagement Welcome | 9am-4pm Stop by the tent on Decker Quad and pick up your family welcome bag of goodies. Coffee will be available in the morning and ice cream in the afternoon. Water will be available all day. |
Student Residence Hall Meeting-Mandatory | 6:00pm Students are required to attend their residence hall meeting followed by Kick Off of New Student Orientation. Students will not be available to reconnect with families after this time. |
Family Orientation Session (optional) | 6:15-7:15pm Shriver Hall Families are invited to hear from campus partners about some of the resources available on campus. On-Campus Housing, Dining, Student Health and Wellness, Safety and Transportation will all give a brief recap of the webinar session they did over the summer. |
Pies After the Goodbyes | 7:30-8:30pm Shriver Hall & Wyman Quad Now that families have said goodbye for now to their student, this event will start inside Shriver Hall with a message from Rachelle Hernandez, Vice Provost of Student Affairs. Families will exit to Wyman Quad where the Office of Family Engagement will provide a sweet treat to take as you leave campus. Our campus partners will also be available to answer additional questions. |
Wednesday, August 13
Who is included | Only students confirmed in a Pre-Orientation Program |
Date | Wednesday, August 13, 2025 |
Time | Anytime between 9am-12pm. No appointments |
Parking | Free in the South Garage. Vouchers will be available at Key Pick Up |
Key Pick Up | Mason Hall |
Rideshare | Please use this address for the GPS 3101 Wyman Park Dr. and be dropped in front of Mason Hall. Once you have your key, a Blue Jay Shuttle will drive you and your belongings to your residence hall. |
Unload Belongings | Once you have your key and JCard, drive to your residence hall to unload. Maps are available at key pick up. Rolling bins will be available to assist in moving your belongings. Once your car is unloaded, please move it to a parking space. |
Family Engagement Welcome | 9am-12pm Stop by the tent on Decker Quad and pick up your family welcome bag of goodies. Coffee and water will be available. |
Free Time | 12pm-4pm |
Pre-O Check In | 4:00-4:30pm Students and Families should report to the Levering Courtyard to collect nametags and schedules. |
Pre-O Opening Meetings | 4:30-5:30 or 6:00pm Students will join their Pre-O leaders for their program's opening meeting. Meetings will be held in Hodson Hall |
Family Orientation Session (optional) | 4:30-5:30pm Shriver Hall Families are invited to hear from campus partners about some of the resources available on campus. On-Campus Housing, Dining, Student Health and Wellness, Safety and Transportation will all give a brief recap of the webinar session they did over the summer. |
Dinner and Campus Tours | 5:30-7:30pm Families will rejoin their students for dinner and campus tours. One half of the group will go to dinner first and one half of the group will do campus tours first. Then the groups will switch. |
Pies After the Goodbyes | 7:30pm Once families have said goodbye for now to their student, families are invited to the Family Engagement Tent for a sweet treat to take as they leave campus. |
Saturday, August 23
Who is included | Second Year students, who were not assigned an earlier Move-In date |
Date | Saturday, August 23, 2025 |
Time | 8am-6pm Students will select an appointment time on the housing portal. Appointment selection will begin in August. |
Parking | Free in the South Garage. |
Key Pick Up | Mason Hall |
Rideshare | Please use this address for the GPS 3101 Wyman Park Dr. and be dropped in front of Mason Hall. Once you have your key, a Blue Jay Shuttle will drive you and your belongings to your residence hall. |
Unload Belongings | Once you have your key and JCard, drive to your residence hall to unload. Maps are available at key pick up. Staff will be on hand to assist moving your belongings. Once your car is unloaded, please move it to a parking space. Both San Martin and South garages are available for free parking all day. |