Blackfeet Elder Says Rick Reilly Misquoted Him; Wants ‘Redskins’ Banned
Posted: October 10, 2013

By Bob Burns, Indian Country Today Media Network
“So you can imagine my dismay when I saw my name and words used to defend the racist Washington Redskins name. My son-in-law, ESPN’s Rick Reilly, completely misunderstood the conversation we had, quoting me as saying ‘the whole issue is so silly. The name just doesn’t bother me much. It’s an issue that shouldn’t be an issue, not with all the problems we’ve got in this country.’
But that’s not what I said.
What I actually said is that ‘it’s silly in this day and age that this should even be a battle — if the name offends someone, change it.’ He failed to include my comments that the term ‘redskins’ demeans Indians, andhistorically is insulting and offensive, and that I firmly believe the Washington Redskins should change their name.”