Culture Show Auditions Day 3

November 9, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Charles Commons Barber Conference Room

Culture Show is right around the corner! We are setting the stage for Spring Fair Weekend in April 2022. We are returning, after a long retreat, back to an in-person celebration of the abundant cultural diversity at Hopkins. Culture Show this year will signify our social reconnection after months of distance. We are commemorating our reunification by highlighting the commonalities that bind us and the differences that distinguish us in special ways that need only be celebrated. Therefore, this year’s theme for Culture Show is…Transcending Borders!

This year’s Culture Show will be IN PERSON and auditions are our first order of business! The best auditions will center around this year’s theme of Transcending Borders by displaying clear ethnic/cultural influence from the represented group while implementing a creative and respectful use of cultural influence from a different cultural group that inspires the performance organization or that shares similarities with it in order to bring a new twist to their performance.

Whether your performance organization dances, sings, etc. please fill out this form to sign your organization up for Culture Show Auditions that will take place on Sunday, November 7th through Tuesday, November 9th in Charles Commons Barber Conference Room and Salon C!