Girlbusters: Fighting Against Gender Bias For Women in STEM

Written by Janine Ingram for the Huffington Post, January 30, 2015.
Excerpts taken from Huffington Post Impact X. Read the full article on Huffington Post Impact X.
Four beloved fictional characters were recently recast to runaround fake New York in fake jobs chasing really cool, CGI-created fake ghosts — and the Internet lost its mind.
Just to be clear, America: no real male scientists were harmed in the filming of this (yet to be made) movie. Yet these four scientists, and the women chosen to portray them, are facing real backlash over their recent job announcements.
Really people? You know it’s just a movie right? And the extremely funny women — Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones — who were cast to replace the immensely talented originals are brilliant! While some would argue it is the idea of a remake or recasting a beloved franchise that is stirring up the Twitterverse — I call BS. The 2015 Golden Globes alone had two Batmans win awards with another one in attendance, and two Incredible Hulks nominated! (And do any of us really know Eric Bana wasn’t there as well?)
If this is how we react when women dare to replace men in movies, what chance do real women stand in actual science and technology positions?
Turns out, very little.
In a recent study conducted by the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law, a whopping 100 percent of women of color interviewed said they’ve experienced gender bias, compared to 93 percent of white women (Sorry, Leslie Jones, things just got real for you). But 93 percent for white women is hardly a win.
Furthermore, the report shows that when math skills were identical, men were more likely to be hired for a job than women. As a woman working for a math education nonprofit, that makes my blood boil.
Because of this bias, even the small percentage of women (12 percent) who pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields often leave — only three remain working in STEM 10 years later. If famous actresses bear this kind of public pressure over pretending to be scientists, imagine how it might feel to be the actual sole female scientist in a lab.
Tags: gender bias, Gender Inequities, STEM, women