Glenn Burke: The First Openly Gay Man In Pro Sports

Actually, Jason Collins Isn’t the First Openly Gay Man in a Major Pro Sport
By Allen Barra, The Atlantic
“A few months back, the Baltimore Ravens’ Brendon Ayanbadejo, an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights, told USA Today that he thought the first player in the three major sports to out himself would be a baseball player: ‘The religious roots are a lot deeper in basketball and football. With that being said, I think baseball players are more open-minded.’
What Ayanbadejo didn’t know was that one baseball player already had. This week’s coming out by NBA player Jason Collins is momentous, but the Jackie Robinson of gay rights was Glenn Burke, who played for the Los Angeles Dodgers and Oakland A’s from 1976 to 1979. He tried to change sports culture three decades ago—but back then, unlike now, sports culture wasn’t ready for a change.”
Tags: LGBTQ, openly gay, Pro Sports