ISAH Ambassador Directory

Carolyna Yamamoto

Preferred Pronouns: she/her
I am a(n)…: PhD student
Graduating Year: 2027
JHU Email Address: [email protected]
Academic Focus: Biomedical Engineering – Computational Medicine applied to Cardiology
JHU School: School of Medicine
Hometown, Country: Cuiaba, Brazil
Favorite Food: Arepas
Bio (Hobbies, personal interests, professional interests, organizations, etc.):
My name is Carolyna and I’m a Brazilian international student who moved to the U.S. in 2017 for my undergrad studies at University of South Florida. My hobbies include lifting heavy weights, binge watching series/animes, 3D printing random things for my apartment, and learning new recipes every week! At Hopkins, I’m a BME PhD student in a lab that creates virtual hearts to help improve clinical outcomes of patients!

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