Please note: SOS provides case management for Homewood undergraduate students only.

Student Outreach and Support is committed to assisting students in successfully navigating challenges during their undergraduate years at Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus.

A team of case managers provide one-on-one support and coordination, including interventions, advocacy, referrals, and follow-up services for undergraduate students who are experiencing significant difficulties related to mental health, physical health, family emergencies and/or other areas of concern. Case managers offer resources and information to help students navigate university systems and policies while prioritizing their well-being and academic success. Case managers can assist students in connecting with campus resources and staff-members based upon their needs. Ultimately, case managers coach students toward skills in self-advocacy and self-care that can support their involvement in the larger community and in life beyond college.

Case managers work with students who may need to take a Medical Leave Of Absence for physical health or psychological reasons.

Student Outreach and Support is not counseling or therapy; rather, case managers have the opportunity to develop close helping relationships with students while coaching students toward appropriate self-care and self-advocacy.

Phone Numbers for 24/7 Immediate Support on Campus

Behavioral Health Crisis Support Team (BHCST): 410-516-9355

Counselor On Call: (410) 516-8278 (option 1)

Public Safety: 410-516-4600 or 410-516-7777

Get Connected with a Case Manager

Office Location: AMR II Ground Level Annex (entrance is between the Blue Jay statue and Hopkins Café)

Office hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday

Phone number: 410-516-7857

For Students

If you have met with a case manager before, you may schedule with them again.

If you are unsure if you have met with a case manager before, or you cannot remember who you previously met with, please email

If you are new to Student Outreach & Support, please schedule with a case manager based on an identity or concern or based on the first letter of your last name.

  • Lindsay Jeffers (she/her/any) – A-E/First-Generation, Limited Income (FLI)
  • Joe Reyes (they/them) – F-K/First-Generation, Limited Income
  • Maura Knestout (she/her) – L-P/student-athletes
  • Christine Choi (she/her) – Q-T/ leave of absence
  • Susan Kodzwa (she/her) – U-Z/international students
  • Ruth Sherman (she/her) – leave of absences students who have been previously connected to her
  • Jessica Mott (she/her) – students who have been previously connected to her
  • Elizabeth Winberry (she/her) – students who have been previously connected to her

For Faculty & Staff Referrals

If you would like to connect a Homewood undergraduate student with Student Outreach & Support, and/or are unsure if a student has worked with a case manager previously, please email or submit a CARE Report. Please do not refer a student to a specific case manager based on alphabet. The Triage Specialist will work with you to confirm or establish the student’s connection to a case manager.

For general questions and inquiries that are non-emergent, please email For staying up-to-date on our office and services, please follow us on Instagram.

Drop-In Services

Chat with a Case Manager is open to all Homewood undergraduates, regardless of whether the student is already connected with a case manager. The chat provides an opportunity to speak with a case manager about an urgent question, or for a student to evaluate whether or not they need to work with a case manager to address their concern.

This chat is not for students who may be experiencing a crisis; in that case, students should still contact the Behavioral Health Crisis Support Team (410-516-9355) for support in a crisis situation.

  • Chat with a Case Manager for Student-Athletes
    For student-athletes seeking support
    Maura Knestout, SOS Case Manager
    Wednesdays from 3–4 p.m.
    Thursdays 1-2 p.m.
    Ralph S. O’Connor Center for Recreation and Well-Being
  • Chat with a Case Manager After-Hours
    For after-hours case management inquiries and information about SOS services
    With Susan Kodzwa, SOS Case Manager
    Wednesdays from 5:30–7 p.m. over Zoom

SOS Drop-In Hours are available for students new to SOS, students reconnecting after a break, or whose previous Case Manager is no longer in SOS. Hosted by Eileen Clinton, SOS Triage Specialist. For the most updated weekly hours, please visit @jhu.sos on Instagram.

  • In-Person Drop-In Hours
    • Mondays 1-3 p.m.
    • Tuesdays 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
    • Wednesday 2-4 p.m. (also over Zoom)
    • Thursdays 1-2 p.m.
    • AMR II Ground Level Annex (by the Blue Jay statue)
  • Virtual Drop-In Hours
    • Wednesdays 2-4 p.m. (Zoom or in-person)
    • Fridays 10 a.m.-12p.m.
    • Over Zoom

You may also view the current Drop-In Services schedule via poster here.

Refer a Student

Anyone fellow student, parent, faculty, staff, concerned community member can refer a student to the Office of Student Outreach and Support. If you have concerns for a student and feel like they could use support to navigate resources, please let us know by completing a CARE report. Please note that Care Referrals are only reviewed during normal office hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., except for holiday closures).

Supporting our Graduate Students

A collection of available resources and support services for Homewood graduate students and postdoctoral fellows can be found at and, including helpful information on navigating life issues as a graduate or postdoctoral fellow.

Request a Presentation

If you would like Student Outreach and Support to come present to your office or department, please email us at This presentation is 45 minutes and outlines all services available through the Office of Student Outreach and Support with time at the end for questions and discussion.

Resources for Academic and Interpersonal Success (RAIS) at JHU. Staff from Student Conduct, Student Disability Services, Office of Institutional Equity, Health Promotion and Well Being and Student Outreach and Support have partnered to create a holistic presentation on resources and processes for supporting students at JHU. This is a 60-minute overview of the various systems and processes in place at Hopkins to support our Blue Jays’ success in their academic careers. Please fill out this online form to schedule a RAIS presentation.

Resources and Support Services

Student Outreach and Support offers a variety of support services on-campus in addition to referring students to on- and off-campus resources.

Resources for Homewood Undergraduates Only:


Drop-In Services

Emergency Fund Process and Policy

Illness Notes and Absences from Class

SOS Laptop Loaner Program

Welcome Back Blue Jays Celebration

Resources for all JHU students:

Leave of Absence

Food Insecurity Resources