Getting More Help/Contact Us
If you are having a problem with your computer or the network, there are several ways available to get help. With each method, you should be prepared to provide as much information as possible.
- Explain the problem you are having with your computer or network connection.
- Let us know when the problem began.
- Explain what you were doing when you noticed the problem, when and how often the problem occurs.
- Provide contact information, including your phone number, an e-mail address, and your building and room number.
- Please give times when you will be available for a technician to contact you about your issue.
Method 1: Phone
One way to get help with a IT related issue/problem is to call the Johns Hopkins IT Help Desk.
Phone Number: 410-516-HELP (410-516-4357)
This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If your issue can not be resolved over the phone, you should be given a trouble ticket number which you should remember and refer to if you need to contact the Help Desk again about the problem.
Note: The Help Desk is available 24/7 for issue reporting, IT @ JH Support Staff are available normal business hours typically, so please allow 24-48 hours for a response from an IT Technician.
Method 2: Online
Another way to get in touch with the Johns Hopkins IT Help Desk is to submit a ticket online. To submit a Help Desk Incident ticket online instead of by phone, go to the myJH Portal.
Please log on using your Hopkins ID (JHED LID) and Password. Click on the “Helpdesk” drop down. Within this section, select the appropriate icon to report a problem / submit a self-service ticket. Input the information required, and any necessary information you feel could be needed, and click the ‘Submit’ button to send your issue to the IT Help Desk personnel. Note: You will get a ticket number confirmation by e-mail reply.
Method 3: In-Person
Another possible way you can resolve an issue is by visiting the Technology Center located on the 1st Floor of Levering Hall, Sherwood Room. If possible, please bring the device you are having trouble with so that a technician can take a look at it.
You may come to the Technology Center anytime during these hours:
Monday–Friday: 9am–5pm
Saturday–Sunday: Closed