Baltimore Day

Traditionally held on the second day of New Student Orientation in August, Baltimore Day exposes students to opportunities for engagement within the community right off the bat. We want our students explore and better understand the city that will be their home for the next few years of their lives!

History and Overview

Since its founding in 1876, the Johns Hopkins University has been a part of the social, economic, and political fabric of Baltimore, Maryland. As what some might call an “anchor institution” because of its size, influence, and capital, Johns Hopkins has a duty to understand how Baltimore impacts its existence, and how its own role and functions in turn impact the city. It is important, and perhaps vital, that this message is relayed to and understood by the undergraduate students that attend the institution.

Baltimore Day, piloted in 2014, enters a special niche and provides a unique opportunity for new students to discover the city and interact with faculty, staff, civic leaders, business owners, and fellow students who are Baltimoreans. It provides the space for students to understand what makes Baltimore tick and to think critically about their role as members of the community. It is our aim that students learn about and appreciate the city’s rich history and culture and learn ways to engage in the greater Baltimore community.

The program enhances a commitment to our communities and enriches our ties to Baltimore.

Program Components

Baltimore Day begins with a few presentations and small-group meetings around what Baltimore and JHU have to offer–everything from historic and cultural sites; to exciting tourist spots; to civic engagement and volunteer opportunities; and ways to get around the city using university shuttle services or public transportation. Students will then visit various neighborhoods throughout the city, whether it’s the murals in Station North, the museums of Mount Vernon, the bocce courts in Little Italy! Upon their return to campus, students will enjoy an absolutely delicious Baltimore-themed picnic with delicacies such as crab cakes, pit beef, Utz chips, local steamed corn, Taharka Brothers ice cream, and, of course, the acclaimed Berger cookies. And what would a Baltimore barbecue be without some good ol’ Maryland Old Bay seasoning! All of these aspects come together to show students why we love Charm City; the city that we call home.