Leave of Absence School Contacts

Bloomberg School of Public Health

Josephine Albert, Associate Registrar


Carey Business School

Heather Pollak, Associate Director for Student Affairs


Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (KSAS)

Advanced Academic Programs

Rebecca Stringham, Associate Director of Student Affairs


Jasmine Harris, Assistant Director of Graduate Affairs


Personal Leave of Absence

Jessie Martin, Assistant Dean of Academic Advising

Medical Leave of Absence

Student Outreach and Support


Peabody Institute

Deb Gould, Associate Director for Student Support


School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)

Brian McEntee, Director of Graduate Education


School of Education

Teri Murray, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs & Enrollment Services


School of Medicine

Graduate Students

Peter Espenshade, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Graduate Biomedical Education

Arhonda Gogos, Ph.D., Director of Academic Affairs and Innovation

Medical Students

Katherine Chretien, MD, Associate Dean for Medical Student Affairs


School of Nursing

Personal Leave of Absence

Please consult with your Faculty Advisor

Medical Leave of Absence

Jennifer Dotzenrod, Associate Dean of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs


Whiting School of Engineering

Engineering for Professionals

Heather Stewart, Director of Academic Affairs


Allison Leventhal, Director of Engineering Student Support and Outreach


Personal Leave of Absence

Kimberley Bassett Zing, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Academic Advising

Medical Leave of Absence

Student Outreach and Support