Promoting Events and Announcements

There are many channels through which JHU community members can promote events, announcements, and other programming of interest to students. In addition to the Undergraduate Newsletter, Student Affairs has compiled a list of options for amplifying events via digital and print channels.

Submit your event to email newsletters

There are several active event calendars and email newsletters that accept submissions. Consider which of these newsletters are most likely to reach your event’s target audience, and then reach out to the listed point of contact to ask that your event be considered for inclusion in an upcoming edition:

  • The Hub: JHU’s online news center accepts both event listings and announcements for publication on their website and in their Today’s Announcements newsletter, which is distributed every weekday.
  • Word on the Street, a weekly newsletter published by the Office of Leadership Engagement & Experiential Development (LEED), highlights student-facing events hosted on Hopkins Groups, JHU’s campus community platform. It includes events sponsored by registered student organizations as well as JHU offices and departments. Contact [email protected] for more information or to submit an event for consideration.
  • Blue Jay Family Flyer: sent during the academic year, this newsletter is distributed to undergraduate parents and families. If you have an announcement or resource you’d like Blue Jay Families to know about, contact the Office of Family Engagement.
  • This Week in Well-Being: sent weekly by Student Health & Well-Being, this newsletter compiles event listings and resources related to supporting student health and well-being. Contact Clare Lochary for information about submitting an event or announcement.
  • Off-Campus Community Newsletters: distributed to second-year, junior, and senior students by the Office of Off-Campus Living, these newsletters feature helpful information, resources, and events and happenings around Baltimore. Contact Hana Hasan for information about submitting an event or announcement.

Other channels for event promotion

Create an event in Hopkins Groups. If your event is primarily student-facing, you can create an event listing in Hopkins Groups, JHU’s campus community platform. Once you’ve logged in, open the Events list and then click “Create an event” to get started.

TIP: Hopkins Groups is accessible to all students, as well as staff and faculty who have requested access. If your event is open to all JHU affiliates or the broader community, use your publicly accessible Hub event link in promotional materials.

Create digital signage. JHU affiliates can run ads for free on our network of 25+ digital signage screens on the Homewood campus. Ads should be either landscape- or portrait-oriented and sized for on-screen display; you can find dimensions and other guidance for creating your ad on the Digital Signage Network portal. You can even submit animations and other video content!

Some tips to ensure your ad has the maximum impact:

  • Keep the font size to 32 pts or greater for maximum legibility.
  • Try to limit text to only the necessary details (who, what, when, and where). Think of your ad like a billboard – you want viewers to be able to gather all the information they need to know in a matter of seconds.
  • If your video ad includes an audio track, be sure that captions are turned on (if linking to a YouTube video) or embedded in the video file (if uploading an .mp4).

Create social media content for Student Affairs social media channels. If your office maintains a presence on social media, be sure to promote your event on those channels! Here are some helpful guidelines for creating content:

  • Use a 50 point font or larger for readability.
  • If you have more information than you can fit on one IG slide, consider creating multiple slides and/or suggesting users visit the Hub event page for more details.
  • Be sure to add a prominent link sticker that users can tap to access event information and registration, if applicable.
  • For all images, please also include alt text for accessibility.
  • Additional resources:

Create a print flyer. Make sure your flyer includes the event title, date, time, registration information, and any other details your target audience needs to know to attend the event. Be sure to include your office’s logo on your flyer, and refer to JHU’s brand guidelines when choosing colors and fonts. Some tips for flyering on the Homewood campus:

  • Be strategic when deciding where to place your flyers. Prioritize locations your target audience is likely to visit.
  • Bring thumb tacks and a stapler or staple gun for bulletin boards, and/or painter’s or masking tape for non-bulletin board surfaces.
  • Don’t remove or cover up other flyers and posters, unless they’re promoting an event that’s already happened. In that case, please recycle them.
  • Don’t put posters in places where posters are not allowed. If you’re not sure, ask or just skip it.

Pitch a story to the Hub.
Interested in having your event covered by the Hub? Contact Koye Berry to discuss opportunities to pitch a story to the editors.