Student Advisory Groups
Engaging students with diverse perspectives in the work and goals of the Johns Hopkins University is critical to building relationships, advancing mutual understanding, and enhancing our community. The following groups provide a mechanism through which students from Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and Whiting School of Engineering can collaborate directly with university leadership, fostering active and informed participation of students in shaping and developing their student experience.
Advisory Groups
Allocations and Recognition Commission (ARC)
The Allocations and Recognition Commission works to increase student input and enhance transparency in the student-led civic engagement recognition and funding processes.
Commissioners are responsible for (1) supporting and advising five to seven Center for Social Concern affiliated student organizations, (2) allocating semester and grant funding to CSC-affiliated student organizations, and (3) recognizing productive and ethical service.
Center for Social Concern
Learn more about the Allocations and Recognition Commission.
Other Opportunities for Student Involvement
Homewood Academic Council
To preserve and enhance the academic excellence of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering. The Academic Council is charged to pursue this mission, whether directly or through its duly appointed subcommittees and designees:
- Homewood Graduate Board
- Board of Review
- KSAS & WSE Curriculum Committees
- WSE Graduate Committee