Member Profile: Frederic Vogt, Astronomical 3D Prints

Frederic Vogt is a PhD student in Astrophysics at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Australian National University in Canberra researching the physics of star formation in interacting galaxies located in compact groups via optical integral field spectroscopy. Frederic spent Sept. 2013 – June 2014 at Johns Hopkins University on a Fulbright scholarship to extend his work to spectral regions beyond the optical domain (mostly radio).
While he was here, Frederic spent lots of time at the DMC experimenting with 3D printing. He was particularly interested in creating models that could be printed easily on consumer desktop 3D printers, like our Makerbot Replicator 2X. Frederic developed (and printed) several 3D models based on astronomical data. His latest paper even includes an stl file, ready to print. You can check it out here:
And for more info about Frederic’s research and many projects, check out his website: