The DMC is a multimedia lab space as well as an equipment, printing and knowledge resource for students interested in exploring creative uses of emerging media and technology to communicate their ideas.

In addition to our highly-skilled professional staff, the DMC is staffed by a cadre of well-trained student employees who work with members at every level of their projects. The lab itself consists of Mac and PC workstations with a full complement of commercial and professional-grade software for completing tasks related to audio, video, photography, graphics, animation, 3D modeling and design, web-based and multimedia projects.

We also provide specialized workspaces and equipment for professional audio recording and editing/mastering, high-demand gaming, simulation and modeling, and maker/hacker activities. We provide resale materials necessary for archival-grade photography and printing, as well as large-format and 3D printing.

The DMC is open to all students enrolled at Johns Hopkins University. Make! Learn! Play!

Our Mission

By promoting the use of emerging technologies in students’ scholarly and creative works, the Johns Hopkins Digital Media Center prepares life-long learners to confidently master creative technologies and to disseminate works that effectively communicate their ideas.

Upcoming Events

DMC March Events