LOTQ 2023 Gallery

This project was a collaboration between the Digital Media Center and the JHU Makerspace. Our team met weekly in Fall 2023 to develop the form and interaction concept, and fabricate and program the installation. We asked the Hopkins community to contribute black and white drawings representing “discovery and exploration,” we turned the drawings into the light windows you see in front of you.
Student Leads: Seth Jayawardane & Naina Gupta
Staff Leads: Jason Charney, DMC; Luke Ikard, JHU Makerspace
Contributing Artists from the Hopkins Community
Jason Charney
Tony Lugo
Kaiyuan Du
John Wayne
Astrid Jiang
Ciarra Carter
Docia Owusu
Dheeraj Gudluru
Joyce Chen
Amy Xu
Naina Gupta
Devin Andrada
Shira Goldhaber-Gordon
Oluwademilade Adeniran
Tunde Ayodeji
Aiesha Chaudhry
Connie Weng
Prisha Rathi
Luke Ikard
iGEM at Hopkins
Miles Durham
Kaori < 3
Kat Schuller
David Corrente
Anton Shtarkman
Pam Donohue
Tim Mitten
Sadia Bangura
Carly Wang
Andy Lowrie
Jenna Frye