Visiting artist Spring 2022: Mollye Bendell

Artist Talk and Q&A – Open to the General Public
When: April 1st from 7-8pm
Where: The Great Hall lecture hall in Levering Hall
What: Come hear Mollye Bendell talk about her work and her process during her talk. A short Q&A will take place after the lecture.
Register here: For JHU students to register for the artist talk please visit our HopkinsGroup at this link.
For other JHU affiliates or those visiting from the community, registration is not necessary.Workshop: Building Immersive Environments w/ Mollye Bendell – for JHU students/affiliates
When: Wednesday March 30th 5-7pm OR April 1st 2-4pm
Where: The Digital Media Center (3003N Charles Street next to FedEx)
What:This workshop will be offered twice so that we can offer multiple options. Full-time students at JHU Homewood get priority but faculty and staff are welcome to attend if the workshops are not full with special permission (email [email protected]). For JHU students please register via out HopkinsGroups please follow the links below for the date you want to attend.Registration for these workshops is required. Unfortunately these workshops are not open to the general public.
Register here: Wednesday, March 30th from 5-7pm OR Friday, April 1st from 2-4pm
Exhibition: Outgrown by Mollye Bendell – for JHU affiliates – if not JHU affiliated please email [email protected]
When: Exhibition open from March 28th to May 17th. Exhibition open during normal DMC hours (Sunday-Thursday 12pm-12am and Friday & Saturday from 12pm-10pm)
Where: The Digital Media Center (3003N Charles Street next to FedEx)
What: Check out our visiting artist’s augmented reality work titled Outgrown in the DMC’s Hallway Gallery!
Register: No registration needed.
Artist Bio:
Mollye Bendell is an interdisciplinary artist with a focus in electronic and digital media. She has created radio sculptures as a resident of Wave Farm, and developed augmented and virtual reality projects as a resident of Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center and the Tides Institute and Museum of Art. She is also a founding member of Baltimore-based media arts collective strikeWare, which creates experiences grounded in our collective history, often using new technologies to emphasize the nowness of that history. Mollye is currently a lecturer in the Immersive Media Design program at University of Maryland, College Park, a collaborative degree between the Studio Art and Computer Science departments. She lives and works in Baltimore, Maryland. More of Mollye’s work can be found here.