Terms & Conditions

J-Cash Account Initial Disclosure Statement

The Johns Hopkins University (“the University”) is providing you with this initial disclosure in order to detail what rights you have when you use your J-Cash account which is accessed by your J-Card. Please read the information on this disclosure carefully. These terms and conditions are specific to the J-Cash account and exist in addition to the student Code of Conduct and the University HR manual. Those documents govern misuse of the J-Card, including fraud, theft and unauthorized access to University resources.

Account Usage

Your J-Cash account is a prepaid stored value account that is activated as soon as you deposit funds to your J-Card. Deposits can be made online, mailed to the J-Card Office, and/or made at any of the University’s J-Card refill stations. The account is a year-round declining balance account and will remain active as long as you are a registered student, current faculty, or staff member. As such, your funds will carry over from year to year and will not expire.

The account is a record of pre-deposited funds accessed by the cardholder with your J-Card for the purchase of products and services. There is no daily limit on the number of purchases that may be made and debited; however, no debits or charges shall exceed the amount of deposited funds. No interest shall be paid on any balance in the account nor will the University charge you any fees for the use of your J-Cash account. In the event that any deposited funds are returned to the bank, a $25 fee will be assessed to the cardholder. The cardholder agrees and understands that the J-Cash Account is not transferable and cannot be sold to another individual. You may use your J-Card for any service on and off campus that accepts J-Cash as a form of payment.

Account Closure

Your J-Card will be active for three months and your mobile credential one month after your graduation date and any remaining J-Cash balance will continue to be available to you during that time. Continued access to campus areas is subject to the terms and conditions of individual campus departments, including the Library and Recreation Center. Mobile credentials can be extended on an exception basis and approval will be granted by your school card office. Any student who is dismissed, withdraws, or transfers out of JHU will have their J-Card and J-Cash access deactivated immediately. J-Cards for students on approved Leave of Absence will be deactivated on the effective leave date and reactivated when the student is cleared to return to campus by the Registrar’s office; J-Cash may not be used during this time. Guest and copy cards will be deactivated after 12 months with no activity.


Refunds may only occur when a student has officially separated from the University, as determined via student status in SIS. J-Cash balances of less than $25 will be forfeited at the time the J-Card is deactivated. Balances over $25 will remain on the card for 12 months after the graduation date and can be refunded at the student’s request. After 12 months any remaining funds will be forfeited.

The following types of accounts and/or deposits are ineligible for refund and will be forfeited when the account is closed:

  • Guest cards
  • Copy cards
  • Summer Program cards
  • Departmental requests
  • Program-provided funding

Other refunds are not permitted, except at the discretion of the J-Card Office and may be subject to a $25 administrative fee.

To request a refund or confirm refund eligibility, email jcard@jhu.edu and include your name, JHED ID, and forwarding address. Approved refunds will be processed for payment by check and mailed to the address you provide. Please allow two to three weeks for delivery.

Consumer Liability

If your J-Card is lost or stolen, you must freeze your account immediately to prevent unauthorized access. You can freeze your card through the My J-Card link in SIS, in the eAccounts app, or by reporting the lost card to the University. During business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30am—4:30pm), you must call the J-Card Office at 410-516-5121. At all other times, you must call the office of Security at 410-516-4600. Once reported, your account will be frozen until you apply for a replacement card in person at the J-Card Office, Levering Hall, Suite 04B, South Wing, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30a and 4:30p. Closed for lunch 1-2pm. The current fee for a lost card is $20.00.

If reported within forty-eight (48) hours, you will not be liable for unauthorized transactions up to $50.00. If you do not freeze your account and/or contact the J-Card Office or Security within forty-eight (48) hours, you will be liable for unauthorized transactions up to the full amount of your J-Cash account not to exceed $500.


We may disclose information to third parties about your J-Cash account or the transfers you make, as allowable by law, to comply with government agency or court orders, or if you give written permission.


Cardholder statements reflecting transactions on your J-Cash account are available online, upon request by emailing jcard@jhu.edu or by stopping by the J-Card Office, Levering Hall, Suite 04B South Wing, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.

Error Resolution Procedures

In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers, contact the J-Card Office by phone (410-516-5121), by e-mail (jcard@jhu.edu), or in person at Levering Hall, Suite 04B South Wing,, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218. In your communication, be prepared to provide the University with the following information: (a) your name and J-Card number; (b) a description of the error or transfer that you are unsure about; and (c) the dollar amount of the suspected error. Upon receiving information of a potential error, the University will begin its investigation. The University will attempt to provide you with the results of the investigation within ten business days (University business days include every day other than Saturday, Sunday, legal holidays, as well as other days the University closes) after you notify the University of the potential error. However, the investigation may take up to forty-five business days. If the University determines that no error was made, a written explanation will be sent to you within three days after the investigation is complete.

Changes to the Information on the Disclosure

The information on this initial disclosure is being provided pursuant to Federal Regulations. These Regulations may be amended in the near future. If this occurs, the website will be updated to reflect the revised changes.

Non-Discrimination Statement

The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or veteran status in any student program or activity administered by the university or with regard to admission or employment. Questions regarding Title VI, Title IX and section 504 should be referred to the Office of Institutional Equity, 130 Garland Hall, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, 410-516-8075.

Acceptance of Conditions

By using the J-Cash account, you are accepting the conditions stated above.