Getting Started

Why Apply?
We want you to pursue what you’re passionate about. A Fulbright grant can take you to Malaysia for an experience of deep cultural immersion as you teach English, or to Brazil to pursue a research project. An NSF Graduate Research Fellowship or Soros Fellowship for New Americans can support your graduate studies in the U.S. As a Truman Scholar, you enter a robust cohort of peers focused on service-oriented careers. Fellowship experiences deepen your passions while providing vital resources, skills, and experiences.
Just as important as the outcome is what you gain by applying:
- Clarify your goals.
- Boost your communication skills.
- Build connections to faculty at Hopkins and elsewhere.
We’ll help you articulate your achievements and ambitions in a compelling way — an essential skill for whatever your next step is.
Keeping an open mind is key: you might come in for one reason and discover more opportunities. We’ll help you see the big picture.
I was attracted to an international fellowship because I had a craving for context — for myself, for my ideas — intellectual, yes, but also social, emotional. I wanted to break from the “standard academic track” if only to demonstrate to myself that no such thing exists. I wanted to be more mentally free. – Hannah Joo, Churchill Scholarship
When Do You Start?
The sooner, the better! Applying for prestigious external fellowships is a serious time investment, so getting a timely start matters. And, it’s never too early to begin thinking about fellowships.
How Do You Start?
You can explore the various fellowships we advise students on. Johns Hopkins students have consistently won a generous share of these fellowships, and you can start by reading about their experiences. Or we invite you to sign up for our newsletter.
However you begin, your next step is to come in and start a conversation with us. To find out when our drop-in office hours are or to request a meeting, please visit our contact page.