Trash, Recycling & Exterior Maintenance

Through its “One Plus One” program, Baltimore City picks up residential garbage once per week and residential recycling once per week.

Trash Collection

  • Each household is limited to 96 gallons of trash per week (three 32 gallon cans).
  • All trash must be put into trash bags and all bags must be put IN the cans.
  • All cans must have tight-fitting lids on them at all times.
  • Trash should be put out no earlier than 8 p.m. the night before pick up.
  • Cans must be brought back in after being emptied on trash day.

Recycling Collection

  • Baltimore has single-stream recycling—no need to sort or separate.
  • Recycling may be set out in any type of container (except plastic bags) marked “recycle”.
  • Recycling should be put out no earlier than 8 p.m. the night before and no later than 6 a.m. the morning of your recycling date.
  • There is no limit to the amount of recycling you can put out.
  • Recycling containers should be brought back in after being emptied on recycle day.

Allowing your trash cans to overflow, setting out cans without tight fitting lids, or setting out trash in plastic bags instead of in cans are just some of the violations you can be fined for by the city of Baltimore and possibly disciplined by the university. It is not just a matter of aesthetics. All of these rules are enforced in order to help keep the rat population down in the city.

To find out when your trash collection days are and where you need to put your cans for pick up, please call 311 or visit the Baltimore City Department of Public Works website. To find out more about city ordinances and fines, please review the Baltimore City Charter and Codes.

Exterior Maintenance

Even as a renter, you are responsible for the upkeep of the exterior of your house. Unless you have made specific arrangements with your landlord, by law you must:

  • Keep your grass mowed and weeds trimmed to under 8 inches in height.
  • Keep your property free of debris.
  • Keep walkways, driveways, and alleyways clear of debris, snow, and ice.
  • No upholstered furniture allowed on your porch or in your yard.

Equipment Rental

The Student/Community Liaison has lawn care equipment available for students living outside of university housing to borrow. Equipment available for rent includes:

  • Gas mower
  • Electric lawn mower and 50′ cord
  • Electric weed trimmer
  • Hand-held hedge clippers
  • Lopping shears
  • Snow shovels
  • Push brooms
  • Rakes and shovels

There is no cost for borrowing the equipment. Penalties for not maintaining the exterior of your rowhome or house may include fines from the city and possible discipline through the university. To request equipment, please complete the form below.