Department Representatives


Department Representatives attend General Council meetings, vote on important issues and inform graduate students on them.
A Department Representative:
  • Distributes important information via email or during department meetings.
  • Collects important information.
  • Represents their departments interests during General Council (GC) Meetings.
  • Elects Executive Board Members.
  • Serves on Committees, representing Homewood graduate students.
  • Helps in GRO social events.

Attendance requirement: For the department to maintain eligibility in the conference grant, a Department Representative has to attend at least half of the GC Meetings. To count as attending, the Representative has to vote on all but one votes in the GC Meeting.


First Steps for new representatives

Please follow these steps:
  1. Make sure that you are on the mailing list (if you have no confirmation that you have been added, email [email protected].)
  2. Let the graduate students in your department know that you are their GRO-representative.
  3. Have a look at the Introductory slides.
  4. Have a look at the Finances section.
  5. Have a look at the responsibilities above.
  6. Check out our Meeting Schedule and embed it into your calendar.
If you have any questions email [email protected].