Winter Staycation: 10 Fun Things to Do Over Winter Break

Winter break is on the horizon. Over the next few weeks, you’ll have time to reset, relax and spend time with friends & family. Here’s our list of 10 ways to spend your winter break:

  1. Ice Skating
    Go ice skating and practice to get ready for campus’ ice-skating rink that opens in January! You don’t need to ice skate on a lake or pond, head to your local ice-skating rink today! Bonus if you are back for intersession don’t forget to check out the Blue Jay skating rink right on campus on the tennis courts!
  2. Watch Holiday Classics
    Watch some winter holiday favorites. There are so many channels these days with any kind of winter movie to spark your interest. And don’t forget the popcorn!
  3. Hangout and Reconnect
    Hang out and reconnect with your local friends or family that you have seen while at school. You can even share some other staycation ideas with them!
  4. Movie Marathon at Home
    Host a movie marathon where you can stay in your pajamas all day and lounge around binge watching your favorite movies, maybe you can watch the entire series in one day back-to-back!
  5. Take a Local Cooking Class
    If you attended one of our Hopkins Cooking Series classes in the fall, you could elevate your skills with some new techniques. Or if you are a beginner, let the class teach you the basics and then you can return in the spring to impress your friends. And don’t forget to be on the lookout for our Hopkins Cooking Series classes this spring.
  6. Game Night
    Dust off some old board games and invite your friends and family over for some fun competition! From Monopoly & Clue to Scrabble and Cards Against Humanity.
  7. Read a Book
    Take some item to cozy up to a fictional or graphic novel. Something you never have time for during the semester. Something that can enhance your sense of adventure or romance!
  8. Trivia Night
    Keep your mind sharp for the spring semester with some trivia. No matter where you‘re from you can probably find a space that hosts trivia or you and your friends/family can create your own.
  9. Sleep in!
    You probably don’t have many days during the semester where you can sleep in, so now’s a great time to catch up. But, be careful not to sleep your entire break away!
  10. Winter Recipe Challenge
    Take your break one step further and join our recipe challenge, make one (or all) of the featured recipes above over winter break and tag us on IG @HopkinsDining by Monday, January 15 for a chance to be featured and to win a prize!

However you decide to spend your winter break, we hope you enjoy it and return to campus rejuvenated and ready to take on the spring semester!