Spring 2025 meal plans are now active, if you were not on meal plan for the fall and would like to enroll in a meal plan for the Spring, you may enroll via The Birdhouse, then go to the “Hopkins Dining Meal Plans” page to the “Academic Year 2024-2025 Meal Plan Enrollment Form”.

Hopkins Dining is proud to create a welcoming environment for our guests to meet with one another and dine on made-from-scratch foods.

Good Food. Great Community. It’s not just our motto, it’s our guiding philosophy as a department. To use dining and food experiences as a platform to nourish and support the greater Blue Jays community.

Good food encourages health and growth, not just physically, but also socially and culturally. We know that a vibrant and healthy community starts with vibrant and healthy meals, and we strive to provide exceptional, world-class food experiences to our guests each and every day. With multiple locations around campus, seasonal and scratch-made menus, and a friendly, engaging staff, Hopkins Dining is proud to contribute our unique skillset to help support the One Hopkins community!

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Black History Month is not over yet! Don't hesitate to visit Levering Kitchens for this month's The Culture Kitchen special! Featuring Haitian Beef Meatballs with White Rice, Black Bean Sauce and Pikliz (pickled vegetables): a recipe curated by our very own Sous Chef, Jade McCalla. Join us all month long as we celebrate culture through cuisine! #HopkinsDining #Haitian #BHM #blackhistorymonth #Culture #FoodieFlock
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The beloved Nolan's Build Your Own (BYO) line is now currently offering a Hispanic-inspired station for the next few days! Stay tuned (or download Nutrislice) to know when & what the next change is. 💙 #HopkinsDining #FoodieFlock
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