Monday, March 24
Birds of a feather, dine together! Now’s the time to enroll in a meal plan for the 2025-2026 academic year. Enroll by June 30 to keep any remaining Spring 2025 Dining Dollars and be entered for a chance to win $150 extra Dining Dollars. Visit our website for more details on meal plans and enrollment processes!
Tuesday, March 11
Spring Break 2025 Hours of Operation
Hopkins Dining Locations
Other Campus Partners
For any additional questions on these hours of operation please email us at
*These dates are tentative and subject to change*
Wednesday, March 5
Hopkins Dining wants to hear your feedback! Now through Friday, March 14, complete our annual customer satisfaction survey to share your feedback on all things dining including customer service, menus, locations and more. The survey is live now, click to access. Guests who complete the survey will be entered for a chance to win $100 Dining Dollars.
Friday, February 21
Celebrating Ramadan on campus? Take advantage of these resources:
- PDF Document: Daily Suhoor bags are available to order via PDF Document: Transact and pick up will take place at Charles Street Market. You may use a meal swipe, dining dollars, J-Cash, or credit/debit.
- Weekly iftars hosted by JHU Muslim Association (JHUMA)
- Sunday through Tuesday, Iftars will be held at Hopkins Café.
- Wednesday through Saturday, Iftars will be held at the Collonade.
- Registration will open each week of Ramadan on Hopkins Groups to participate.
- Stay up to date by joining JHUMA’s GroupMe or following them on Instagram.
Wednesday, February 12
Due to inclement weather, Hopkins Café will open at 8am. Nolan’s on 33rd will open at 11 am. Charles Street Market and Levering will be determined based on staffing availability.
Tuesday, February 11
Due to inclement weather, all locations will close early for the safety of our guests and staff. Please see affected locations updated hours below:
Hopkins Café: 7 am – 9 pm
Charles Street Market: 8:30 am – 9 pm
Peabody Dining Hall: 7 am – 8 pm
Nolan’s on 33rd, Levering Kitchens, Levering Café and Maestros Café all close their normal hours.
Tuesday, January 14
The meal plan change period has begun! If you were on a meal plan for the fall 2024 semester and you would like to change to a different meal plan for the spring, the meal plan change period is now open through – Friday, January 24. To change your meal plan, log-in to The Birdhouse, then go to the “Hopkins Dining Meal Plans” page to the “Academic Year 2024-2025 Meal Plan Change Form”. You can use your current meal plan until you change. Cancellation is not permitted unless you graduated in December or Studying Abroad in the spring, our office receives both lists mid-end of January for processing.
If you were not on meal plan for the fall and would like to enroll in a meal plan for the Spring, you may enroll via The Birdhouse, then go to the “Hopkins Dining Meal Plans” page to the “Academic Year 2024-2025 Meal Plan Enrollment Form”.