Canon XA10 & XA30

The XA10 and XA30 are high quality camcorders that are great for recording events or some professional video shoots. These cameras don’t have quite the level of fine control as a DSLR camera, but they can be plugged in and left to record for hours of footage. They also preform very well in low-light, and have built in XLR inputs for audio. Unlike most DSLR cameras these camcorders have headphone jacks and physical controls for mic gain, making it easier to record great-sounding audio. The XA30 is a new model and can record videos as MP4 files instead of the more obscure format used by the XA10s and Vixia camera.
WebCheckout: 4171, 4172 (XA10); 4183, 4195, 4198 (XA30)