Baltimore First Hosts its Closing Celebration

By: Sierra Romero
On May 1st, around 30 students gathered at the Center for Social Concern’s office for Baltimore First’s end of year celebration.
Baltimore First is the CSC’s individualized direct service and volunteering program. Students are matched to a site partner and volunteer once a week in groups of 5-10 people. This year, students worked with Corner Team, Baltimore Green Space, St. Francis Neighborhood Center, Cornerstone Community Housing, and Paul’s Place.
Students snacked on sandwich platters, played cornhole, and chatted with one another. The celebration closed by honoring members for their hard work and attendance.
Honored Students
- Veronica Schmidt
- Alice Liu
- Lauren Oster
- Steven Doctorman
- Bethy Belai
- Maya Savory
- Zhaoxu Zhang
- Alex Chen
- Saum Zamani
- Juyoun Park
- Caroline Tran
- Katherine Zhang
- Allana Therese Calahatian
- Lilac Lin
- Cerina Pang
- Kaylee Morales
- Daniel Park
- Emily Lu
- Hisham Qureshi
- Roy Sun
- Estelle Richardson
- Diane Kang
- Atri Surapaneni
- Talia Lehrer
- Nathaniel Sheps
- Yiyang (Eric) Gao
- Vanessa Han
All of these students are not only committed to engaging in Baltimore in an informed and reflective way, but are also highly motivated to build community and participate in our programming in a consistent manner.
In addition, Hopkins student Anna Han was awarded the Emerging Leader award which recognized her Anna’s work and leadership potential. As quoted, “In her time with Baltimore First, Anna has demonstrated the defining qualities of leadership, always stepping up to take initiatives as both a general member and a shift lead. Her dedication to the students she works with at St. Francis Neighborhood Center does not go unnoticed and the care and passion she has exhibited throughout the year truly shows her embodiment of the spirit of Baltimore First.”
The CSC would like to thank Baltimore First’s Community Engagement Student Directors Amanda Ferber, Stacey Tang, Ikshu Pandey and Student Directors of Education and Reflection Sai Chandan Reddy, Samantha Sarlin, and Aamilah Chowdhury for all their hard work this year!