Become a Tutor

Interested in Becoming a Tutor?
Each semester, between 120-200 JHU undergraduate students join the Tutorial Project and tutor elementary school students in reading and math. The staff is comprised of a JHU staff director, two student directors, many student organizers, and tutors.
The Tutorial Project provides tutors the opportunity to:
- provide a life-changing difference for a child and their family
- experience something new at Hopkins that will be rewarding and fun
- assist students in improving academically and emotionally
- develop communication and leadership skills
- meet new people and make a commitment to helping others
- learn about yourself by gaining confidence and self-esteem as a tutor and mentor
- make a positive impact on our community
If you are considering becoming a tutor, you need to be available on:
- Mondays and Wednesdays (4–6 p.m.) or
- Tuesdays and Thursdays (4–6 p.m.)
Hopkins students are paired with an elementary student and meet one-on-one throughout the entire semester.
You are responsible for planning their lessons and activities for each session. Students are given 30 minutes to plan before the children arrive at 4:30 p.m. You do not need teaching or lesson planning experience to be a tutor! The Tutorial Project staff will train and support you to make sure both you and your tutee have a successful tutoring experience.
In all honesty, the initial reasons I signed up for Tutorial Project were because I was looking for something to get involved in and I knew I liked working with children. Little did I know that, three years later, it would be the most meaningful part of my Hopkins career. The reasons why you should join Tutorial Project aren’t something I can necessarily tell you, but rather, would have to show you. For now, take my word that helping your tutee learn how to spell every word on his spelling list will be, by far, the highlight of your week. – Sydney Gertzog, Tutor
Application for Hopkins Students
Have questions? Contact the Tutorial Project, at (410) 516-7673 or email [email protected].
For New Tutors
If this is your first-time joining Tutorial, complete the New Tutor Application below.
For Returning Tutors
If you are a returning tutor, we are glad to have you back! We will reach out in to confirm you are returning for fall 2024.
Become an Organizer
Interested in becoming more involved with Tutorial? Apply to be an organizer! Stay tuned for more details here.