2022 Orientation: Family Wellness

Fatima Elzamzami | Franciscan Center Throughout orientation, we were asked to reflect on the various activities and presentations that we went through/watched. For me, I think this was the most challenging part; putting into words how a certain experience made me feel. This week, I realized how little self-reflection I…
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2022 Orientation: Arts

Liesel Arauz Vallecillo | Art with a Heart I think the part that I enjoyed the most about orientation was the scavenger hunt. The reason why is because although I have spent a full year here at Hopkins, I never really got to explore the city. Either because of academics…
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2022 Orientation: Neighborhood/Community Organizing

Aiman Altaf | 29th Street Community Center Having never lived in the US before college, my only exposure to the extreme social issues here was the occasional BBC story. Beyond that, I arrived wide-eyed, knowing only that I was going to do my undergrad at my dream school, in a…
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2022 Orientation: Youth and Education

Cionne Gates | By Peaceful Means Since my entire CIIP experience was completely virtual last summer, I initially felt unprepared as a peer mentor due to my limited experience of being around Baltimore physically, and this made me question my upcoming role as a facilitator. In the beginning, I thought…
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2022 Orientation: Non-profit Management

Genesis Aire | Public Justice Center This past week went by in a flash. Going through orientation all over again, but this time in person, was a whirlwind experience. As a mentor, I was the most nervous about navigating through the scavenger hunt in person. While we had one last…
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2022 Orientation: Government/Policy

Kerim Bali | Office of Councilmember Mark Conway The CIIP orientation was truly a great experience for so many reasons. First and most importantly, it was great that all fifty of us (and the CSC staff) got to interact with each other and I got to know almost every person….
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2022 Orientation: Environment, Sustainability & Community Health

Angelica Brooks | Farm Alliance of Baltimore This week’s orientation affirmed my enthusiasm for the hardworking summer ahead of me. The aspect of orientation that challenged me most was working, communicating, and completing activities with people I have never met prior. On the first morning of orientation, I was apprehensive…
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