
Mimi Avril | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week As a peer mentor, I found facilitating reflection to be the most challenging part of orientation. After discussing topics such as gentrification, policing, and systemic racism, I sought to create questions that would stimulate small group discussion. However, I felt responsible for having the right response to group…
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Jotrina Vamboi | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week I am so grateful for orientation week! Though some days felt like they were 20 hours long, I really appreciate all the guest speakers that came and spoke to us! I found the Momcares speaker to be very influential to me, and I like how she was able…
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Clayton Turner | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week In my orientation week of CIIP I learned a lot of helpful information and skills that may lead to my success in my internship program. There were many aspects of the orientation that I enjoyed, and many parts challenged me to reevaluate how I interact with the city…
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Abby Swamidoss | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Exploring the historical context surrounding Baltimore and its complex relationship with Hopkins was really fascinating for me to learn about during orientation. It also opened my eyes to the complex layers of systemic injustice that have shaped the city and its communities. One aspect that stood out to me…
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Stephanie Ho | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Week 1 The first day was virtual for me, and I was able to set up a meeting with my supervisor and we were able to talk through what my schedule would look like for the rest of the summer, and some events that I could attend if I would…
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Nathan Dozier | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week This week at orientation, I felt like I had the opportunity to learn so much not only just about Baltimore but also about myself in terms of why I am doing what I am doing and where I see myself in the future. The speakers that were invited…
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Fatima Baloul | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week Transportation inequity truly became apparent to me during the scavenger hunt. As we navigated the city through the scavenger hunt, it became clear that not all neighborhoods in Baltimore City are well-served by the public transportation system. Some areas had further and limited bus stops, forcing residents to…
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Rachel Baffoe-Bonnie | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation I was initially really nervous about participating in orientation week. As one of the few freshmen accepted into the program, I thought it would be hard to find friends and community with this cohort. I was, fortunately, proven wrong almost instantly when my peer mentor took me in and…
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Sharada Vishwanath | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Going into orientation, I had no idea what to expect. This is my first time being part of a large, organized internship and I was excited but slightly nervous to get a feel for CIIP for the first time. From the business casual to the name cards, I loved…
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Bersabe Tilahun | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Week 1 Since orientation had come to an end, I couldn’t wait to have connected with my partners. Having this be my first 9-5, it was exciting to see what ideas and methods I could come up with to better engage with our organization’s audiences through media. So throughout this…
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