
Abhinav Mahesh | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week Going into orientation week, I was excited, but also nervous to see what the week would hold. Would it be presentation after presentation, or something similar to freshman year orientation? Originally, I was challenged by the new ideas that were brought in by the different speakers and presenters….
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Jennifer Li | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation I went into this having no idea what to expect, but I came out confident in my abilities and excited to see what I have to offer to my placement. I felt a lot of initial uncertainty that gradually disappeared over the week as I became more comfortable with…
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Diksha Iyer | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week The most challenging thing about orientation this year was going in within the peer mentor role. I felt more apprehensive about orientation, like there was more that I could mess up since there were more eyes on me. I was nervous about having to direct/facilitate discussion, create a…
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Estelle Yeung | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week This year’s orientation was very engaging for me, as I experienced it through the lens of a Peer Mentor and had a more active role in facilitating critical reflection sessions with my group. This challenged me to pay close attention during presentations in order to better frame my…
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Alex Paolucci | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week Orientation really helped me examine Baltimore and my place in it on a much deeper level than I have in the past. Because I had taken a public health B’more course over intersession, I went into orientation feeling like I had a good grasp of the problems Baltimore…
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Makaila Hyman | CIIP 2023 Blogs

Orientation Week The CIIP 2023 Orientation week was amazing. The week properly prepared me to enter the community with an optimistic approach and to positively engage. Orientation was challenging because it forced me to think outside of my comfort space. Being from Baltimore, I have my own ideas and thoughts…
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Maria Harar | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Week 1 This week I went to a meeting with local non profits working to reform the parole process. At the event, there were 5-6 panelists who were incarcerated before the age of 18 and were unable to be released for 30+ years. Hearing their stories that obviously highlighted the…
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Olubusola Babalola | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation I was unsure of what to expect walking into orientation week and left it pleasantly surprised. It sort of felt like starting college again, but instead of being introduced to Hopkin’s, I was being introduced to Baltimore. During the week, presentations on the history of Baltimore and the impact…
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Eden Teodorovici | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Orientation was such a beautiful, insightful, and memorable week. Entering the week, I did not know what to expect except for 8 hour days, lots of socializing, and free breakfast and lunch! I’m grateful that it was much more than that. I had just moved into my apartment the…
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Valeria Leal Serna | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week What challenged me about orientation was stepping out of my comfort zone in several different ways. I was challenged with finding a new routine, with orientation being outside of my usual summer schedule. I was challenged to think about my privilege all throughout the week by listening to…
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