Field Day with the Tutorial Project

By: Sierra Romero
On April 24th and 25th, the courtyard outside Levering Hall was filled with over 100 elementary school students participating in the Tutorial Project’s annual Field Day extravaganza.
Split between two days, Hopkins tutors and elementary school tutees participated in a series of events. This included sack racing, limbo, crab walking, parachute racing, and the classic tug-of-war. While there, all elementary school students had the opportunity to showcase their speed, adaptability, wit, but most importantly good sportsmanship.
Once all activities came to an end, everyone enjoyed some cold treats, picked out temporary tattoos, and played some basketball.
The level of energy and the sheer number of genuine interactions that happened over these two days would not be possible without the program’s amazing student directors, student organizers, student employees, and all volunteers, guided by Young Song, Director of the Tutorial Project.
Below is a myriad of photos from this year’s field day!
Check out the Center for Social Concern’s Instagram for higher resolution photos featured above.