Josh McGrew | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week

Going through orientation this past week has been a fun yet thought-provoking experience which has challenged me to think about my position as a Hopkins student in the context of my partnership and interactions with Baltimore. Monday’s presentation on engaging with Baltimore Communities and Jessa Wais’ presentation on the relationship between Hopkins and Baltimore resonated with me the most and emphasized the importance of open-mindedness and humility when interacting with communities during my internship. The Life Design Lab’s presentations Thursday morning were important to me as well and provided an opportunity to reflect on the various aspects of my identity and how it affects my lifestyle, values, and views on the world.
My favorite part of orientation was definitely the scavenger hunt around the city. Not only did our orientation group get to learn how to use the various transportation systems around the city, we also got to visit historic landmarks, try food from new places, and connect with each other more. What surprised me the most was the number of conversations we had with other people as we went from place to place. Multiple individuals engaged in brief conversations with us and asked about our thoughts on the city and the work we would be doing this summer, which allowed us to learn more about their experiences and perceptions toward Hopkins students.
I also had a productive conversation with my internship supervisors when I met with them on Friday. I wasn’t expecting them to be so easygoing, but once I got out of a professional mentality I understood how important it will be to be myself during the program. The youth I will be dealing with have been dealing with lectures throughout the school year and need a different kind of experience, so I need to be able to relax and not take things too seriously. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be helping with planning and logistics of the program, but I am looking forward to starting work on Monday. I hope that I can make an impact this summer and support my partner in furthering their mission.

Week 1

This week, I began my work with the Greenmount East Leadership Project by designing fliers and brochures for their upcoming events and programs as well as contacting potential partners for the Youth Empowerment Academy in July, the main portion of my internship. Until the start of the Youth Empowerment Academy, I will be working in a hybrid capacity and meeting with my supervisor as needed to provide progress updates and exchange materials.
When we did meet in person, the experience was not only an opportunity to learn about my responsibilities throughout the summer and provide updates on my assignments, but learn more about my supervisor’s values and the organization’s mission. From the staff to the community workouts to the youth and family programs, there is a powerful story and core value that guides each aspect of the organization. I hope to continue reflecting that passion throughout my work this Summer.
I also managed to do a lot of networking this week as I began to create a curriculum for our Youth Empowerment Academy. The Academy will be a five-week program that aims to help youth in the city develop important life skills, learn the importance of physical activity and mental health, and explore their personal and career interests. As a part of the program, we’re trying to bring in people from all over the city to speak about their careers, skills and experiences, so I’ve been communicating with a list of contacts over text, phone and email. We’ve even managed to make new connections in person by putting up the fliers I made! In the coming weeks, I’ll continue to make preparations for the Youth Empowerment Academy by following up with potential partners, planning for college visits and other field trips, making workbooks for the youth, and outlining the other parts of the Academy’s curriculum. I’ll definitely be busy over the next month, but everything I’m doing now is going to further the organization’s mission and impact multiple lives.

Week 2

My second week with Greenmount East Leadership Project has been busier than the first. In the process of securing guest speakers and workshops, I’ve been both following up with those I’ve spoken to over the past week and reaching out to multiple potential partners. Additionally, I’ve been planning campus tours, a trip to DC, writing applications for grants, and creating a pre-program survey and workbooks for the youth in our summer program. Trying to fulfill all of these responsibilities on my own has been a challenge, but I’m making significant progress each day. So far, I’ve managed to get times and dates for the majority of our guest speakers, schedule our campus tours and trips, write drafts for grants, and outline the pre-program survey. The one thing making things difficult is the time it takes for people to respond. It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for people to respond, some only communicate by one method, and others haven’t responded at all. As a result, I have to stay on them in order to secure dates and fill up our programming. Our program starts in just a few weeks, so I just have to focus on everything within my control and hope that it all works out soon.
Adjusting to the hybrid work environment has been going well. Some days I’ll need to meet in person, but others are spent making calls, sending messages, and writing from my apartment. Sometimes I’ll get calls or messages at odd hours and weekends, but I appreciate not having to commute every day and being able to work in the environments I’m most comfortable with for right now. Once our summer program starts in July, I’ll be fully in-person to help run things alongside my supervisor. For now though, I’ll continue my work on the aforementioned assignments as usual.

Week 3

My third week with Greenmount East Leadership Project has been very productive, and we’re now one week away from the start of the Summer Youth Empowerment Academy, which is the main portion of my internship. This week, most of our guest speakers have been secured, our college tours have been planned, a pre-program survey has been made, and multiple potential grants and funding have been identified. As we continue to finalize our plans for the Academy, I will need to finalize our workshops, apply for grants, create program workbooks/itineraries, and help prepare the other aspects of the program.
One challenge I faced this week was having to rearrange our guest speaker schedule to make room for workshops and a designated day of the week for health and wellness. Many of our speakers had been scheduled before we decided to make a wellness day, so I had to find potential dates to move our speakers to and reach out to them to confirm their availability. Fortunately, all the speakers I had to move were able to speak on their new dates and times, but it was a bit hectic trying to get everything back in place.
Another challenge I anticipate for next week is the creation of a program workbook for our youth. As a part of these workbooks, I have to create background pages for each of our guest speakers and workshops so that the youth will be able to read about them and take notes. In order to achieve this, I had to reach out to everyone I contacted over the past month to get them to send in their information, but I have only heard back from a few individuals so far. One thing I’ve learned about keeping up with a list of contacts is that everyone is different when it comes to the ways they communicate and the time it takes for them to respond. I will have to keep in touch with everyone throughout the week and hope that I will have everything I need from them by the end of the week.

Week 4

This past week was the final week before the start of Greenmount East Leadership Project’s Summer Youth Empowerment Academy. In addition to finalizing times and adding new names to our schedule, I’ve been collecting info from our guest speakers to add to a student workbook, writing responses for grants, reaching out to our youth cohort to introduce myself and go over the plans for this week. Our schedule is much more full than it was just a few weeks ago, and I’m excited to get into the main portion of my internship. Over the next four weeks, I’ll help run the program and interact with youth while continuing to write grants, bring in speakers and workshops, and work on promotional materials such as fliers and social media posts with YouthWorks.
The start of the Summer Academy also means the end of my hybrid work schedule. While I still anticipate having to bring work home with me, I will at least have more structure in my schedule and get to be in a new environment. I also visited my site last week as part of a check-in, which is just a short drive away. I normally work out early in the morning during the week, so I’ll have to get into a good routine to make sure I don’t have to be in a rush.

One thing I’m looking forward to in the coming weeks is seeing how the youth engage with our programming. The Summer Youth Empowerment Academy is the culmination of a month’s worth of work on my end and even more for my supervisor, so we will finally see the fruits of our labor. The experiences we have planned for them will promote health and wellness, expose them to a variety of career paths, take them outside the classroom, and teach them important skills such as time management, conflict resolution, professionalism, and more. I hope that this program proves to be a valuable experience for the youth and that we effectively carry out our objectives.

Week 5

This week, Greenmount East Leadership Project began its Summer Youth Empowerment Academy, the main portion of my internship. Over the past week, the youth went through orientation, began a book study on The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, took a trip to DC, and engaged in presentations on topics such as time management, growth mindset, and more. On top of being on site all week to help run programming, I also printed and prepared over 500 sheets of paper for the program workbooks, completed a training to secure food for the program, contacted and scheduled more guest speakers, and gave a few presentations of my own. Needless to say, it was another busy yet productive week.
My favorite part of the week was seeing the youth engage with the programming and activities I had spent the past month preparing. Seeing them participate in discussions during my presentations and the book study was great and told me that I had managed to make something that would interest them. A few kids refused to give up their phones and pay attention to the programming, but the vast majority seemed to have enjoyed the first week and take some valuable lessons back with them. During breaks and lunch time, I also got to speak with them to learn more about their expectations for the program and what they were looking forward to.
My biggest challenge this week was definitely trying to manage our trip to DC. Planning the trip wasn’t supposed to be my job, but I ended up keeping track of time and guiding the group to different destinations. Throughout the day, we visited a few places at the National Mall and spent most of the day at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. While I was able to enjoy parts of the trip, I also found myself trying to keep everyone on schedule and stop the youth from running off on their own. We ended up arriving back in Baltimore much later than I had planned, but at least everyone had a good time. Next week, I’ll be able to focus more on some written assignments thanks to the return of remote days to my schedule, and the speakers and workshops we have planned will keep the youth occupied.

Week 7

As I reach the end of my time with Greenmount East Leadership Project, my work is focused on making an impact that will last beyond the Summer. My planning with the Summer Youth Empowerment Academy has reached a point where the schedule is filled and no longer requires me to stay all day, so I only come in to drop off materials and help facilitate our trips and some workshops as needed. This week, our youth met guest speakers from careers in chemistry, real estate, nutrition and more, took a campus tour at Towson University, and did fitness and art expression activities. My main focus for this past week and the upcoming week will be preparing materials such as end-of-program surveys and presentations, applying for various grants, completing the remaining pages for the program workbook, and helping to prepare for future events.
Over the past few months, I have made an original workbook that is expected to exceed 75 pages, gathered valuable data through surveys, made connections all over the city, and provided additional support to GELP’s other programs. In my final week with GELP, my goal is to do as much as I can to leave an impact beyond my time as an intern. The organization’s mission of giving inner city youth the tools and experiences they need to be successful in life is admirable and something I am grateful to have been a part of this summer. With my last week of work, I will do all that I can to support the remainder of the Summer Youth Program and their long-term goals.