Projects for Peace Grant
What is Projects for Peace?
Projects for Peace is a global program that partners with educational institutions to identify and support young peace builders. Every year, 125 or more student leaders are each awarded $10,000 grants to implement a Project for Peace, typically between May and August.The program encourages young adults to develop innovative, community-centered, and scalable responses to the world’s most pressing issues. Along the way, these student leaders increase their knowledge, improve their skills, and begin to see themselves as agents of change. Interested students need to apply for consideration by January 22, 2025, so that a committee can review all applicants and put forth student candidates on behalf of JHU. The application form can be found on Hopkins Engage.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrollment: Applicants must be enrolled at Johns Hopkins University (JHU).
- Student Status: U.S. and international students are eligible.
- Academic Level: Students of any age, major, or year (including graduating seniors planning to complete their projects post-graduation) are encouraged to apply. This includes graduate students.
- Team: Projects may be implemented individually or with a team.
- Location: The project can take place anywhere in the world, including within the U.S.
What Makes a Strong Proposal?
- An innovative approach to the issue(s)
- Appreciation for and sensitivity to the context, communities, and/or cultures where the project takes place
- Consideration of the dilemmas, challenges, or conflicts that may underlie the targeted issues or selected approaches
- Consideration of sustainability and/or scalability of the approach
- Critical self-awareness by the grantee
What Does The Review Committee Look For?
- Project summary: What issue(s) will be addressed? What approach(es) will be used? With whom will the grantee(s) work? What is the rationale for these choices?
- Background: What is your working definition of peace? What preceded this proposal in terms of personal experience, forming relationships, developing knowledge, and other preparation?
- Implementation: What plans have been made for use of funds, use of time, and contingencies?
- Anticipated Results: What are the potential short and long-term outcomes for participants, community collaborators, and grantee(s)? How will progress be monitored? How will the project contribute to peace?
Next Steps: How to Apply
To apply, fill out an application form on Hopkins Engage. In addition to your Narrative Proposal, please complete and submit a budget estimate for your project using the attached Budget Template. Your budget must not surpass the $10,000 award total.
Additional Information
For more details about the Projects for Peace program, including FAQs and success stories from previous years, click here.