Gender and Sexuality Resources is the department within the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at Johns Hopkins working to build an equitable and supportive Hopkins community for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. You’re invited to explore our site or email us to ask any questions. You can also connect with us via Instagram, the LGBTQ at JHU Discord, or by joining our mailing list!

What We Do

We work towards our mission through co-curricular education, access and retention initiatives, and community-building that center the needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ communities at Hopkins.


We work towards building solidarity across communities with differing identities and lived experiences so that we can continue to grow in our understanding of the ways our struggles and experiences are both unique and overlapping. When we center those in our communities who are most marginalized, we are all uplifted and able to thrive.

We recognize that sexual, gender, and romantic identities do not exist in isolation. Rather, our experiences of these identities are informed by the other social identities we hold. As Audre Lorde wrote, there is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.”

When we center those in our communities who are most marginalized, we are all uplifted and able to thrive.