
Raquia Hunt | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week Orientation week was amazing! This week, I had the opportunity to meet meet and get close with a lot of new people, inside and out of my group. I loved the fact that we all seemed to mesh nicely given that a lot of us had just met…
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Rebecca Baxter | CIIP 2023 Blog Portfolio

Orientation Week Overall, I really enjoyed orientation this week. This was my second year going through CIIP orientation, but even though some of the presentations were the same as what I went through last year, I still felt like I was able to get something new out of each day…
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CIIP Orientation 2023

By: Sierra Romero The Center for Social Concern’s Community Impact Internships Program has officially begun. From June to the beginning of August, 50 JHU undergraduate students are paired with 50 Community Partners across Baltimore City. Throughout the two months, Hopkins interns work on a variety of project central to identified…
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Celebrating Our Seniors

by Sierra Romero On May 24th, approximately 70 people gathered in the Great Hall in Levering to celebrate the Center for Social Concern’s graduating seniors. Students, family members, staff, and faculty snacked on Hor devours and mingled amongst one another. The evening began with a welcome from our office’s Executive…
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The CSC Hosts its Annual End of Year Celebration

By: Sierra Romero On May 2nd, the Center for Social Concern hosted its end of year celebration for all Hopkins members involved with CSC programming. Around 45 students trickled in throughout the afternoon to talk with one another, enjoy lunch, snap some polaroid pictures and grab some giveaways. Halal food…
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Baltimore First Hosts its Closing Celebration

By: Sierra Romero On May 1st, around 30 students gathered at the Center for Social Concern’s office for Baltimore First’s end of year celebration. Baltimore First is the CSC’s individualized direct service and volunteering program. Students are matched to a site partner and volunteer once a week in groups of…
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Tutorial Project and Their 2023 Closing Ceremony

By: Sierra Romero On April 26th and 27th, Hopkins students, Baltimore elementary school students, and parents gathered in the glass pavilion to celebrate the end of another semester with Tutorial Project. Each tutee was called up to the podium to receive a certificate decorated by their Hopkins tutor, a book…
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