March and April 2017 Workshops

The DMC offers a variety of workshops each semester. This spring, we will be teaching workshops in photography, movie-making, design, audio, and animation, among others. We will also have some fun activities like button-making, temporary and LED tattoo making. Check out our list of workshops from now until the end of the school year below, and don’f forget that all workshops and events are FREE and open to full-time students at Homewood.
Registration will open ONE week before the scheduled workshop on BookIt.
Live Sound for Video
Monday March 27th, 6-8pm
Learn to capture high quality location recordings for narrative and documentary video. We’ll cover planning, recording and editing equipment and techniques.
Research Poster Design using InDesign
Tuesday March 28th, 6-8pm
Learn how to create an eye-catching and effective research poster with Adobe InDesign. Topics include basic design tips: color choices, layout, data visualization, spacing, and typography.
Introduction to the Audio Studio
Thursday March 30th, 6-8pm
Learn to use the software and digital instruments in the audio studio to make high quality recordings. This workshop authorizes you to reserve and use the studio in the future.
Photography Crash Course
Monday April 3rd, 6-8pm
Lenses, accessories, depth of field, RAW—find out how to take your camera off the auto setting and become a better photographer.
Logo Design using Illustrator
Tuesday April 4th, 6-8pm
Learn to create resizable logos, posters and vector graphics with Illustrator. We’ll cover graphic design principles that will enhance your ability to communicate visually.
Code Free Web Design with WordPress
Wednesday April 5th, 6-8pm
Quickly and easily setup and customize your website using free, high-quality themes and code-free content management systems such as WordPress.
Thursday April 6th, 6-8pm
Want to start a podcast? Learn about microphones, recording techniques, and mixing your show to sound better than the competition. Upload and distribution platforms explained.
MAKE LED Tattoos
Friday April 7th, 5-8pm
Create a temporary tattoo that lights up. Learn how to create a wearable circuit and enough coding to make your body art twinkle and shine.
Bling Your Water Bottle
Wednesday April 19th, 4-7pm
Design and cut shapes and patterns in colored vinyl decals for your water bottle, laptop or other smooth objects using Adobe Illustrator and our vinyl cutter!
Tags: dmc, spring17, workshops