Stephanie Smith Animations

Stephanie Smith is entering graduate school in the fall at the University of Washington, studying biological sciences, specifically mammalian paleontology. She graduated from Johns Hopkins with a B.A. in biology in May, and worked at the Digital Media Center for four years. Mostly, though, she just likes to draw pictures and read comic books. She has been drawing cartoons and comics since she could hold pencils and pens and chalk and whatever else. She also sculpts weird stuff. Her notable works include “How to Draw a Cat” (circa. 1995, crayon on computer paper), “The Radio City Muffinettes” (2000, cheap colored pencil on sketch paper), “Some Fondant Armadillos” (2009, fondant and rice krispes), and “A Brief Enumeration of My Several College Roommates and Their Idiosyncrasies” (in progress, brush pen on bristol board). Her first animation work was in the form of some flip books on the edges of the pages in her old sketchbooks, and were usually stick people doing flips and stuff. Her more recent animation work was completed while watching every episode of The Mighty Boosh with audio commentary.
Stephanie created these animations at the DMC using the copy stand, DSLR cameras, and audio recording equipment.