Gender Affirming Resources

If you identify as transgender, genderqueer, two spirit, non-binary, gender non-conforming, agender, bigender, or anything else under the trans umbrella, GSR is here to support you.


Coming Out as Transgender

Coming out as transgender or gender non-conforming can be similar to coming out as lesbian or gay, but it also has unique aspects. If you need assistance with coming out, you may wish to email GSR or contact Mental Health Services.

Here are some additional guides for people who are coming out.

How do I navigate being misgendered?

Resources for Our Trans Community at Hopkins

Athletics & Recreation

Student Health and Well-Being (SHWB) published A Guide to O’Connor Rec Center for Transgender and Nonbinary People that answers FAQs about navigating the rec center’s services and activities.

Hopkins adheres to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) transgender policy background and resources. This clarifies participation of transgender student-athletes undergoing hormonal treatment for gender transition. In summary, a transgender woman treated with testosterone suppression medication may continue to compete on a men’s team but may not compete on a women’s team without changing it to a mixed team status until completing one year of testosterone suppression treatment. A transgender man who has received a medical exemption for treatment with testosterone is no longer eligible to compete on a women’s team without changing that team status to a mixed team. The policy was established in 2010 after widespread input from the membership and subject-matter experts in science, medicine and inclusion.

Chosen Names

Gender Inclusive Housing

Health Insurance


Transgender Resources in the Baltimore Area

Student Health and Well-Being Primary Care offers comprehensive gender-affirming care, resources, and support services for eligible Hopkins students, learners, and trainees.

The Johns Hopkins Medical Institution is proud to support the Center for Transgender and Gender Expansive Health. Learn more about the work of the Center through these stories.

There are many support groups and resources offered by the Pride Center of Maryland. Contact them to learn more about current opportunities.

Chase Brexton Health Services Founded in 1978, Chase Brexton Health Services provides patient-centered interdisciplinary health care for diverse communities including those individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender; HIV positive and affected; and all others who face barriers accessing quality health care. Chase Brexton offers hormone treatments for transgender individuals looking to transition. They also offer a variety of other transgender-specific services. Chase Brexton has multiple locations, including one in Mt. Vernon.

Baltimore Community Relations Commission – This city agency investigates discrimination within the city in employment, housing, credit, health, and public accommodations.