digital davinci award

Interactive Soft Sculpture

In April 2011, a group of students created soft sculptures with interactive circuits for display in the Soft Circuits gallery show at Transmodern 2011. The sculptures were hand sewn from cotton fabric, dyed and natural wool, hand spun yard, and filled with batting. Battery operated circuits were created with conductive…
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  Interstices was a dynamic light installation in the Gillman Tunnel. The installation, which responded to nearby motion and ambient temperature, was conceived and built by Hopkins students and staff. This interdisciplinary multimedia project brought together artists and programmers, hardware and software. The electronic components of the piece include 128 RGB LEDs,…
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Twitter Jay and the Recyclists

JHU students organized the first Hopkins team entry in the world-renowned Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race. Complying with stringent race requirements, student engineers and artists collaborated to create a human-powered sculpture to compete in an all-terrain race that traverses sand, mud and water. Twitter Jay, the team’s entry, represents the best…
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