Classroom Scheduling & Reservations

General Pool Classrooms

The General Pool Classrooms (GPC) are an inventory of resources on the Homewood campus administered by the Office of the Registrar – Homewood (OTR-HW). The classrooms primarily support the academic mission of the university – but also support student groups and events on campus. Scheduling priority is given to credit bearing courses and academic components associated with a course (such as exam times and review sessions), before department and student events. A list of the general pool classrooms and each room’s features can be found on a separate page on the website.

General pool classrooms are scheduled 8 am (start time) to 11 pm (end time), 7 days a week.

All academic meetings and event requests are submitted through the 25Live Event Request form.

NOTE: If a classroom assignment and/or change is needed for a scheduled term course section, please contact the department’s Academic Program Coordinator/Admin for that course and do not submit the above form.

General Pool Classroom Scheduling

  • Homewood based degree programs have priority for GPC utilization.
  • The OTR-HW’s Scheduling Team will attempt to finalize scheduling Homewood Zanvyl Krieger Arts & Sciences (KSAS) and Whiting School of Engineering (WSE) degree courses in classrooms no later than two weeks before the start of any academic semester.
    • The Scheduling Team will make every effort to accommodate course and classroom assignment changes on a space available basis.
    • OTR-HW must be compliant with ADA regulations. Classroom assignments may be made or altered to remain in compliance with ADA regulations as accommodations are identified.
    • Whenever classrooms in the Homewood GPC inventory are taken offline due to renovation, utility failure, etc., the Scheduling Team will identify alternative available space and adjust the classroom assignments as needed.
  • Departments may submit event requests no more than one month before the upcoming coming active term and requests will be confirmed only after the majority of courses have been finalized, on a space available basis.
    • Fall event request submissions begin – Aug 5th
    • Intersession event request submissions begin – Dec. 2nd
    • Spring event request submissions begin – Dec. 16th
    • Summer event request submissions begin – April 21st

General pool classrooms should not be utilized without an approved event reservation confirmation or outside of the assigned times as designated on the schedule of classes.

Academic Meeting Requests

Homewood Academic Departments interested in requesting general pool classroom space for supplemental academic meetings directly tied to an academic course on the current schedule of classes for an active term, should be submitted no less than 2 full business days before a classroom is needed (this deadline applies to academic meetings only). Requests received outside of this timeframe will not be honored and will need to be resubmitted for a date which meets the submission requirements. Supplemental academic meetings are limited to only those students formally enrolled in the course. Examples of supplemental academic meetings are:

  • Make-up classes to fulfil contact time requirements
  • TA led tutoring sessions
  • Closed thesis defenses, board examinations, and class presentations
  • Group project work space
  • Exam and general course material review sessions
  • Exam breakout rooms
  • Required/assigned movie screenings
  • TA/Faculty Office hours
    • Office hours by nature are intended to be of small faculty to student ratios for private discussions – departments should first attempt to schedule office hours in department-controlled space before submitting a request to utilize general pool classrooms for office hours.

Requests will be evaluated on an individual basis and are limited to classroom availability; having a scheduled course in the term does not guarantee supplemental resources at desired times, nor in specific classrooms. An official TA, faculty member, or department staff member must be leading/be present at the requested meeting, and is responsible for activities taking place in the classroom.

General Event Requests

Homewood Academic and Administrative Department may request the use of a general pool classrooms for events, when available. Department/Campus events include, but are not limited to:

  • Guest speakers/department seminars
  • Open/general audience attendance thesis defenses or class presentations
  • Career support/exploration
  • General academic support sessions
  • Conferences or event-a-thons
  • Hosting/co-hosting/collaborating with an outside organization
  • Training sessions/workshops
  • Community service projects
  • Department social events
  • Student recruiting/departmental open house events

Deadlines to submit event requests on the Homewood Campus:

  • Large scale events, events needing AV support and/or other services, and events with food service should visit Scheduling & Event Services for more detailed information, and require submission 15 business days prior to event.
  • Small scale/single events in General Pool Classrooms that are not part of an academic course as outlined in the Academic Meeting section and do not have food and do not need AV and/or other services require submission 5 full business days prior to event.

Requests received outside of these timeframe will not be approved and will need to be resubmitted for a future date meeting the required submission timeframe.

Process and Guidelines:

  • Reservation requests are reviewed in chronological by the request was received and the date of the event.
  • Food and beverages are prohibited in general pool classrooms.
    • For health and safety reasons, common hallways outside of GPCs may not be utilized for food service purposes.
    • Groups found to have food in the classrooms during their reservation may be subject to a cleaning fee and potentially prohibited from making future reservations.
  • No additional furniture should be added to the reserved classroom from dept., public, or other classroom spaces – and no furniture should be removed from the reserved classroom and moved into dept., public, or other classroom spaces.
  • Items and equipment may not be stored overnight in classrooms, even in the course of a multi-day event. OTR-HW is not responsible for stolen or damaged event/personal items.
  • All event requests for GPCs also utilizing event spaces are subject to the policies outlined on Scheduling & Event Services’ webpages and listed supporting documents.
  • All parties reserving GPCs should remember that the expectation is rooms will be returned to their “class ready” state, meaning that:
    • Furniture is set back in its proper place.
    • All event signage and materials are removed, boards are wiped of writing, and the space left clean

Important Planning Details

  • The OTR-HW Scheduling Team does not arrange any additional services for events.
    • Scheduled events requiring AV technical support, custodial, and/or security services may incur charges.
    • Event requestors should be sure to answer related questions to the best of their ability on event forms so that the appropriate departments are notified.
  • Large-scale campus events can limit how much space is available for other events to take place – please consider having alternate dates and times in mind for your event should it coincide with such a large-scale event