Residential Experience Plan

Our office focuses on both building community, and developing skills while students live with us. By utilizing a Residential Experience Plan (REP), we have committed to three learning goals that all our initiatives, programs, and events connect to:

  1. Develop Life-Long Learners
  2. Pursue Holistic Wellness
  3. Empower Community & Global Citizenship

Lightbulb, heart, and globe.

We commit to these learning goals through intentional conversation, education and community based programming, and visual and interactive displays. Below you will find other ways we connect students to faculty, peers, and engagement opportunities with our office and others.

Blue Jay Conversations

RAs work to create engaging residence hall community environments that focus on building relationships through observation, intentional interactions and community building. Blue Jay Conversations are what we consider the informal, yet intentional, interactions between RAs and residents on a one to one basis. These let residents know that RAs are approachable, want to learn about their needs, and are here to create personal connections with each resident. Blue Jay Conversations are a critical ongoing step to become aware and engaged within your community. These are thoughtful, engaging one to one conversations grounded in active listening skills and open and honest communication. Each resident is important and valued to the overall community, so RAs take the time to interact with each member individually.

Departmental Programming

RAs are asked to facilitate programs in their communities every month that align with our Residential Experience Plan but that also meet the needs of residents as the academic year progresses. These range from board game nights, to attending athletic/arts events, to sharing meals, creating and crafting, learning a new skill, or simply gathering in community to make their own fun! RAs are given a budget to enhance said programs, and sometimes enlist the help of their residents to plan or brainstorm what their community would like to see or do next.

The larger professional staff in Residential Life are also responsible for programming in the residence halls and beyond. There are teams who will work to create programs specifically for first year and second year students, for the entirety of the residential community, and for the campus as a whole. Expect to see the 34th Street Welcome Back Block Party, ResLife Bingo, and more as the year progresses. But you can always find us at the big campus events as well – Orientation, Blue Jay Opening Day, Hoptoberfest, Lighting of the Quads, Family Weekend, Spring Fair, just to list a few. Community building is at the core of what we do, so we do what we can to get residents connected!

If you have ideas or want to partner with us, feel free to reach out to your RA or RD. Connect with us on Instagram for the latest event information and updates for our programs and others happening on campus.

Roommate/Suitemate Agreements

Communication is an essential component to having a positive experience living with a roommate or roommates. The Roommate/Suitemate Agreement is meant to serve as a strategy to help roommates have an intentional and purposeful discussion around several topic areas that can affect the roommate dynamic. This includes cleanliness, guests, noise, general expectations and more. Once roommates complete and submit this form, the other roommate(s) should log in to the portal to acknowledge the agreement. This form was purposefully created to provide a framework for both your conversation and your time together as roommates while also allowing those involved to create expectations together that best align with competing needs and preferences. If you have any questions or want further guidance, please connect with your RA.

We hope that by discussing the areas addressed in the Roommate Agreement, you and your roommate(s) will begin to develop a relationship conducive to positive personal growth. In instances where expectations are not or concerns arise, it is our expectation you follow this general process to reach a resolution with those involved:

  1. Communicate directly with your roommate(s) in-person.
  2. Consult with your RA for further assistance. This could result in both individual and group conversation(s) facilitated by your RA with all those involved.
  3. Expect contact from your Residence Director (RD) if further support is needed.

Navigating conflict through critical conversations is an important life skill our office hopes you continue to refine as a result of living at JHU. As such, we appreciate your anticipated openness, participation, and best effort throughout this process. Please recognize all situations are different which could result in more direct involvement from your RA or RD.

Contact you RA or Residence Director (RD) to access your Roommate/Suitemate Agreement.

Check Us out on Instagram

Stay up to date with events and programs we’re offering and gain insight into the on-campus experience in the residence halls, @JHUResLife