Safety & Security

This section of Living at Hopkins describes the procedures to follow in case of fire emergencies, University regulations dealing with fire safety, and security services on campus. It also provides you with tips on how to protect yourself and your valuables while living in University-owned housing and the neighborhoods surrounding the University.
Emergency Assistance
Residents in University Housing can obtain emergency assistance through the Office of Residential Life at any time. Residents can call or visit the office for help during regular office hours.
RAs are scheduled for duty coverage from 8:00pm – 8:00am every night unless otherwise noted. Residents are encouraged to use the RAs as a resource for emergencies or assistance in navigating difficult situations. RAs are also trained to contact Public Safety, HERO, On-Call Counseling services, and other emergency personnel. The phone numbers to call are posted in the lobbies of every building, near the RA’s room, and is provided to all residents during their first floor meeting of each semester. RAs work closely with Public Safety and the on-call professional staff to assist residents with a variety of circumstances.
Residents who need emergency medical or security assistance should call University Housing or Public Safety at 410-516-7777 to request it directly.
Public Safety can be contacted 24/7 by dialing 410-516-7777 for emergencies or 410-516-4600 for non-emergencies.
Safety Tips
Most Importantly, Take Responsibility for Yourself
The University cannot guarantee your safety, but assuming personal responsibility for your own well-being by following the guidelines below will decrease your risk. Cooperation among all members of the residential community is an essential ingredient for a safe environment. The decisions you make will affect your neighbors’ safety, as well as your own.
Learn about the security resources and services provided by the University.
Use these University resources consistently and appropriately.
Cooperate with the University’s instructions and procedures regarding security.
Get involved with efforts to promote student safety
Enroll in our “RAD” Rape Aggression Defense training program featured twice a semester. Call 410-516-8737 for enrollment information. It is free and open to female students. Class size is limited.
Visit our security “meet and greet” events for giveaways and information. Held bi-monthly throughout the school year. Call 410-516-5471 for further information.
For more crime prevention tips, visit
Neighborhood Safety Tips
While the Homewood Campus provides a sense of suburban community, city streets surround the University. Residents must use the same precautions called for in any major metropolitan area to stay safe. Follow basic personal security guidelines to decrease the risks that are standard in urban areas like Baltimore. For example:
Don’t walk alone at night and avoid walking in alleys.
Stay in well-lit, well-traveled areas after dark.
Be aware of your surroundings and stay off your phone.
Know how to get help if you need it.
Don’t use off-campus ATMs after hours.
Use the Blue Jay Shuttle vans (410-516-8700) after hours or call 410-516-4600 for a walking escort.
Walk with confidence.
Residence Halls / Apartments Safety Tips
A few simple procedures can help keep you and your possessions safe while you are living at JHU.
No tailgating! Don’t allow others to enter your building after you.
Always lock your door when you leave your room, suite or apartment, even if you are just visiting a friend down the hall or going to take a shower. It doesn’t take long for a thief to grab a wallet or a laptop off a desk.
Always keep your room locked while you sleep. Residents at Hopkins who have slept with doors unlocked have lost jewelry, watches, wallets, purses, and other valuables. Remember, thieves are not necessarily strangers.
Always keep the entrance to your house or building locked. It’s the only way to keep intruders out and you and your neighbors safe. Use the door entry phone system (if applicable) to let friends in that you know are coming to visit. Don’t prop any doors open. Should you find the door propped, un-prop the door and close it.
Report door problems to the Housing Facilities Office or Security immediately.
Learn to use the variety of security services available to you in the residence halls, apartments and on campus.
Don’t give your keys or JCard/Access card to others.
Fire Safety
If you see or smell fire, remember the acronym RACE:
R – Remove yourself from contact with smoke or fire.
A – Alarm – Pull the nearest fire alarm.
C – Call Security at 410-516-7777
E – Evacuate the building.
Fire drills are conducted in every building at least twice a year by University staff and the Baltimore City Fire Department. Additional drills may occur as required.
Evacuation Procedures
Residents are required by law and University policy to evacuate their residences immediately when the fire alarm sounds. All students should be evacuated from any JHU building in under 5 minutes from the sounding of an alarm, and well removed from the building proximity (at least 50 yards). They should remain removed from the building until an “ALL CLEAR” has been given by the Baltimore City Fire Department or qualified dept. of JHU, i.e. Health Safety and Environment. Failure to vacate the building within the evacuation time of 5 minutes could result in disciplinary action and/or fines.
The evacuation procedures follow, but are also posted in each building and are reviewed with residents at the beginning of each semester.
If you hear the fire alarm sound, you must prepare to evacuate. Students found in the building during an evacuation will be subject to disciplinary action and/or fines. In addition, those who do not evacuate in a timely manner will be subject to disciplinary action and/or fines.
Feel your room door. If it is hot, stay in your room and signal for help from your window. Put a towel under your door.
If there are flames or heavy smoke in the hallway, keep down low, below the smoke, and go to the nearest exit.
If there are no flames or heavy smoke, close your room door behind you and walk quickly to the nearest exit.
If you find the nearest exit blocked, AMR residents should remember that there are fire stairs in the rear of the Clark and Hollander and the front of Royce and Wood. Wolman, McCoy, Scott-Bates Commons, Bradford and Homewood apartment residents MUST use the emergency exit stairs only. Rogers House students use the fire escape if the nearest exit is blocked.
Remain a safe distance from the building until receiving further instructions from a university representative.
Disability Emergency Evacuation Protocol (DEEP)
If you can safely evacuate, you should do that.
If you cannot safely evacuate, Stay in Place and use the following protocol to get assistance evacuating:
Close the door to the space you are in or move to a space where you can close the door
Use a phone to call JHU security at 410-516-7777 to report your exact location in the building; this will enable rescue personnel to get assistance to you as quickly as possible
If you are with others who can evacuate they should evacuate, report that you are in the building, and provide your location to responders once they are out
Stay low and position yourself near the door if you are able to do this
Be patient, evacuation rescues can take some time; sprinkler systems and 2 hour fire rated materials are in place throughout the residence halls
Never break a window since that could prevent you from closing it if needed
Windows can be opened slightly if fresh air is needed, but be prepared to close it to prevent smoke from coming in
Refrain from opening the door once closed; before opening any doors, touch them to make sure the door is not hot; avoid opening any door that feels hot
Emergency personnel should be on the scene quickly. Student Disability Services maintains a shared list with Housing and Campus Security with names, residence hall room assignments and contact information for students who may need assistance in evacuating. Please make sure you contact Student Disability Services at your home/primary campus if you want to be added to that list and have not done that already.
Another Resource:
Download and set up the LiveSafe app on your phone; make sure you are connected to Johns Hopkins, indicate your campus or school, and allow the app to share your location. This app can be used to call or message JHU security (call them first if you are in a residence hall and an alarm is sounding), call 911 and/or report a range of safety and security concerns.
Campus Security Services
For emergency assistance call: 410-516-7777
Campus Security Office
The Security Office Lost and Found, located at 3001 Remington Ave, is staffed 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday and is closed on weekends and University holidays. Officers are available to assist students around-the-clock with any security-related problem or emergency. Call 410-516-4600 for non-emergencies or 410-516-7777 for emergency assistance. Hopkins officers patrol the Homewood campus on foot, golf cart, and in vehicles 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additionally, the grounds and common areas of University Housing buildings are patrolled by a uniformed Hopkins officer. The streets around off campus housing and off campus housing common areas are also patrolled. Security desks, at various locations inside or in front of housing buildings, are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
24-Hour Emergency Phone
The Homewood campus has 117 Emergency Phones at various locations on and around campus. There are several types:
Some are “in-poles” resembling campus light posts. They have a blue translucent globe on top that glows light blue at night.
Others are black metal “stanchions” with the word, “Emergency,” and a blue light on top.
A few are wall mounted and installed in garages and buildings.
The phones offer a direct line (do not need to be dialed) to the Security Department. By pressing the red button, Campus Safety and Security Communications is called and the location identified. The line will remain open and the notification of a Hopkins officer begins immediately. Use these phones for emergencies or if you are uncomfortable in your surroundings. If you see anyone vandalizing or abusing this system, please report the incident to Campus Security.
Elevator Disablement
In the unlikely event that you are in an elevator that experiences a mechanical problem, sound the alarm bell and/or use the elevator phone to call Security at 410-516-7777.
For more information, refer to the Evacuation Manual or call the Homewood Safety Office at 410-516-8798.
Quad Monitors
Student monitors patrol the lower, upper and freshman quads daily during various hours. They are available to escort students after dark. Call 410-516-4600 for service.
Students interested in applying for this position should contact the Escort Supervisor at 410-516-4547.
Building Access Systems
Some buildings in University Housing are equipped with a phone access or intercom system that enables visitors to call into the building. Phones in some buildings can also be used to contact Campus Security.
LiveSafe is a personal safety mobile app the JHU is providing to all students, faculty, and staff to download for free. The app provides a quick, convenient, and discreet way to communicate directly with JHU safety officials, enhancing your overall safety and allowing JHU Public Safety to better protect you.
Download “LiveSafe” from the App Store or Google Play.
Transportation Services
JHU Escorts
JHU identification is required to ride.
Parking and Transportation operates an escort van service daily from 6:00pm to 2:00 am. This free service picks up and drops off students from campus and other locations within a mile radius of the Homewood Campus.
Call 410-516-8700 to contact the van service.
JHMI Shuttle Bus
A Hopkins photo ID is required to ride this shuttle.
This free bus service is provided to students and JHU affiliates who want to visit the East Baltimore campus, Peabody, and Penn Station.
To view the Blue Jay Shuttle routes and to track the vans, go to on either a computer or a smartphone or download the TransLoc Rider app in the App Store or Google Play. For more information call 410-516-PARK or visit
Collegetown Shuttle
A Hopkins photo ID is required to ride this shuttle.
Provides free shuttle service between JHU, Loyola, Notre Dame of MD University, Towson University, MICA, and Goucher College.
Visit for more information.
Security Staffing
Security Officers are stationed outside the front of entrances of each AMR building, in the lobbies of Bradford, Homewood, McCoy, Rogers House, and Wolman, and on the third floor of Scott-Bates Commons (bridge) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These officers are available to offer immediate security assistance and to deter unauthorized individuals from entering the building, assist guests in contacting their hosts and intervene in security related incidents. Students should bring any immediate security concerns to the guard’s attention.
Front Door®
Front Door® offers in-front and/or behind lock screen messaging and alert capabilities. In addition, it is designed to prevent theft and accidental loss of your mobile technology (phones, laptops, tablets) by helping you track and recover lost and stolen devices.
Check out Front Door® at:
Identification of Facilities Staff
All full-time facilities personnel needing access to student housing are required to wear identification badges.
These cards, which feature a photograph of the staff member, are worn daily by maintenance and custodial staff in the residence halls/apartments.
If you have any concerns about Facilities Staff in your building, please call:
Housing Facilities Office:
Public Safety After Hours: