Incoming Students

Welcome to Johns Hopkins University and the Office of Pre-Professional Advising. This is an exciting time as you embark on your college career and begin your journey through Johns Hopkins. Advisors and staff are here to help you navigate your academic and co-curricular experience at Hopkins, and assist you in achieving your professional school goals. Here are a few notes to get you started.
Welcome Pre-Health Students!
Guide One
If you are considering pre-med/health requirements, now is the time to download and read PDF Document: Guide One: Pre-Med and Pre-Health Planning at Johns Hopkins University. The Guide includes an overview of pre-medical requirements and academic planning suggestions that you’ll find helpful in your pre-med journey. It is essential that you download Guide One!
Pre-Health Listserv
The summer before you arrive on campus, you will automatically be put on the “jhugradyear202Xhealth” listserv. It is essential that all pre-med/health students at Hopkins be on the listserv to receive our Pre-Health Opportunities Newsletter and general announcements. Accept an invitation to join “jhugradyear202Xhealth”!
Pre-Health 101
As a freshman interested in the health professions, you will be attending a “Pre-Health 101” meeting at some point your first year. This is the step you will take prior to scheduling your first individual appointment with an advisor. Information on registering for a Pre-Health 101 workshop will arrive via your Pre-Health Listserv in early September.
Welcome Pre-Law Students!
Since you indicated an interest in law school/pre-law in your admissions application, we took the liberty of signing you up* for the “jhugradyear202Xlaw” listserv. Along with other important announcements and relevant information, you will receive (during the academic year) a bi-weekly “Pre-Law eNewsletter,” which highlights relevant media items, opportunities, related programming and a featured interview with a JHU alum currently in law school, a JHU alum in a gap year before/while applying to law school, or an attorney in a practice area of interest.
Pre-Law Student Orientation Sessions
The first step in pursuing your interest in law school? Attend the orientation program, Pre-Professional Advising Talks: Pre-Law! The time and location of this program will be announced in your orientation materials. To be covered: What have you heard about being a pre-law student? Come to this program to discuss what being a pre-law student at Johns Hopkins entails. This program will also present the services available to pre-law students through the Office of Pre-Professional Programs and Advising.
Learn More Online
As a first-year pre-law student, it may be helpful to review the Pre-Law section of our office’s website.
The pre-law student section of our website includes information regarding pre-law specific study abroad programs, a timeline, legal internship, and work opportunities, and more.
Schedule an Appointment
The Pre-Professional Advising Office provides 30-minute advising appointments for full-time undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni of the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences and Whiting School of Engineering who are seeking careers in law. Complete information regarding appointments can be found here.