
Preparing for a career in law…
Students who believe law school is in their future should pursue an undergraduate career to fit their personal talents and interests as well as demonstrate academic rigor. Law schools do not, as a rule, have specific academic requirements for admission, but they are usually impressed by applicants who can demonstrate that they have challenged themselves in a diverse course of study. Since law school admission is extremely competitive, it is important for students to compile a strong undergraduate record. With the complexity of legal issues today, both nationally and internationally, a broad liberal arts curriculum is the preferred preparation for law school.
Students enter law school from widely differing educational and experiential backgrounds. As undergraduates, many major in subjects considered to be traditional paths to law school, such as history, English, political science, philosophy, economics, and international relations. Other successful law students, however, have focused their undergraduate studies in areas as diverse as art, computer science, engineering, public health, medicine and music. Students interested in law must understand that choice of an undergraduate major is far less important than the development of important skills and values that can be acquired prior to law school, including analytic and problem-solving skills, critical reading abilities, writing skills, and oral communication and listening abilities. In addition, the aspiring law student will greatly benefit by developing skills in research, organization, mastery of a second language, and possessing the values of serving the interests of others while promoting justice.
Pre-law students cannot ignore how important it is to be a student of human behavior and appreciate diverse cultures both locally and abroad. Therefore, it is a wonderful and enriching experience for pre-law students to study abroad.
When considering extracurricular activities, law school admissions committees look for significant leadership ability and comprehensive activity. A long-term commitment to one or two activities of importance is more impressive than a long list of affiliations.
Law school admissions committees also wish to see success in a standardized test (LSAT or GRE), letters of support from faculty who know the student well, and a rich and challenging academic and extracurricular regimen.
We invite you to scroll through this website to learn more about becoming a successful pre-law applicant.
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Students interested in pursuing a career in law are encouraged to make an appointment with our pre-law advisor. Please see our appointment link for more information.