Health Professions Committee Process
The Johns Hopkins University Health Professions Process refers to the steps required for obtaining a Committee Letter (CL) from Johns Hopkins University. Applicants to health professions programs that accept committee letters must complete the online Health Professions Application (HPA), which collects information that is vital to the writing of the Committee Letter.
The role of a Pre-Professional advisor is to advise and support you through the application process while also providing a realistic assessment of your readiness as an applicant to graduate professional programs. Our goal is to help you become the strongest applicant possible. Click HERE to watch the EY26 Kickoff recording for additional information.
Health Professions Application
The first step in the committee process is the completion of the Health Professions Application (HPA). The HPA is the application to obtain a Johns Hopkins Committee Letter. It collects demographic information, information about your upbringing, and co-curricular experiences (research, clinical experience, community service, employment, etc.). The HPA mirrors the AMCAS application in that much of the information you are asked to provide is the same (or very similar) to the information you will enter into your primary application. The HPA is the foundation for the Committee Letter (see next section). Since the HPA contributes to your professional school application, the time, energy, and thought put into the HPA will pay off immensely. Please know that the HPA is only used internally and is not shared with medical or dental schools.
Information on how to apply for the EY2026 HPA was sent via the listserves on December 1, 2024. If you did not get the email, please subscribe the the relevant listserves on our website. The link to the EY2026 HPA will go out multiple times before March of the application cycle.
The Committee Letter
The Johns Hopkins Committee Letter presents an applicant’s background, strengths, and competencies. The Committee Letter is not a letter of recommendation but is rather an evaluation of the applicant up to the point of applying.
All current undergraduate students and undergraduate alumni of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering, who have satisfied our Committee Letter Eligibility Requirements and meet our stated deadlines, will receive a Committee Letter from Johns Hopkins. Please note: applicants are required to meet with a Pre-Professional advisor at least once during their undergraduate education in order to be eligible for a Committee Letter. This needs to be a scheduled meeting because drop-in hours do not fulfill this requirement.
Survey Monkey Apply
The Office of Pre-Professional Programs and Advising utilizes the Survey Monkey Apply (SMA) system for disseminating information to and receiving information from applicants participating in the Health Professions Process.
SMA also provides quick and easy access to critical and timely information and resources regarding your application to medical or dental school, including forms, PowerPoint presentations, deadlines, and important links. Resources found on our SMA site will help keep you organized and up-to-date as you complete the application process. As you progress through the Committee Process, you will also be able to track and account for all of your steps and monitor your submissions via SMA.
Key HPA Deadlines
The Committee Process is time-sensitive. Missing a deadline could mean you have to delay your application for a whole year. Set up your calendar now. Use whatever tools or devices at your disposal to help you remember the timelines and deadlines related to applying for your target programs. Deadline extensions will not be granted.
- First- Time Applicants: HPA is due March 30th.
- Re-Applicants: HPA is due May 30th.
Note Regarding Applicant Status
As you navigate the JHU Committee Process, please follow the instructions specific to your applicant status.
- First-Time Applicant–has never submitted medical/dental school primary application, such as AMCAS, AACOMAS, TMDSAS, or AADSAS.
- Reapplicant–has previously submitted a medical/dental school primary application, such as AMCAS, AACOMAS, TMDSAS, or AADSAS.
Committee Letter Transmission Deadlines
We begin to transmit Committee Letter packets to the relevant primary application services (AMCAS, AACOMAS, AADSAS, TMDSAS) in mid-July.
- The Johns Hopkins University Committee Process and application cycle will close on July 30. You must meet the outlined deadlines throughout the process to remain eligible throughout cycle. There are no exceptions to this policy.
In Closing
The Office of Pre-Professional Programs and Advising offers advice, support, and feedback throughout the application process, and we strive to assist you to the best of our ability. Please remember, however, that we support approximately 450 applicants per year and ask for your patience and consideration during the application season.
Please note: The Johns Hopkins University Health Professions Committee Process and the aforementioned steps are subject to change.